Theory as fiction, data as writing: Comparative education after authenticity

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearch

Original languageEnglish
Publication date2017
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventComparative Education, Exploring its epistemologies and roles as tools of policy - DPU, Emdrup, Aarhus Universitet, København, Denmark
Duration: 21 Nov 201721 Nov 2017


SymposiumComparative Education, Exploring its epistemologies and roles as tools of policy
LocationDPU, Emdrup, Aarhus Universitet
OtherEducation has become comparative.<br/>As a policy tool ‘educational’, defined through comparison, becomes ‘a system of reasoning’ that makes ‘futures’ and construes ‘new kinds’ of people and situations. <br/><br/>Comparison in education has risen on the policy agenda, as education is increasingly connected to the value of a nation’s human capital and success among ‘competitive global Knowledge Economies’. Comparative surveys like PISA, TIMSS and PIRLS have become agenda-setting mainstay in policy debate. National policy looks for the country with best practices through the lens of comparison.<br/><br/>Simultaneously academic anthropological/ ethnographic comparative studies continue, albeit with changing challenges and funding demands attached to them.<br/><br/>This symposium will explore what type of comparative work is in the ascendency, at what cost etc. What can be said and studied within the emerging ’reason’ of comparison?<br/><br/>In three presentations and a workshop with the audience, this symposium explores the potential of comparison in education as it materializes in international surveys, cross-country comparisons, comparisons over time (historical)…. and as potentiality for thinking and thus enacting the other differently.<br/><br/>The symposium invites you to problematize comparison in education in terms of salient issues like:<br/><br/> the epistemologies of comparison, the cultural roots of comparison, comparisons as comparative tools of policy<br/> comparisons as systems of reasoning<br/> comparison, history of the present and makings of ‘the future’ and ‘new kinds of people’<br/><br/>Program:<br/>10.00-10.15:<br/>Intro: T.S. Popkewitz as an occasion to problematize comparison in education (J.B. Krejsler)<br/><br/>10.15-11.00:<br/>“Performative effects: the case of US vs Europe school policy” (Professor, John Benedicto Krejsler, DPU-AU)<br/><br/>11.00-11.15:<br/>Break<br/><br/>11.15-12.00:<br/>“Theory as fiction, data as writing: comparative education after authenticity” (Associate Professor, Stephen Carney, Roskilde University)<br/><br/>12.00-12.30:<br/>Discussant: T.S. Popkewitz... Questions and Discussion<br/><br/>12.30-13.30:<br/>Lunch Break<br/><br/>13.30-14.30:<br/>Thomas S. Popkewitz: “Comparison as a system of reasoning for making kinds of people”<br/><br/>14.30-14.45:<br/>Break<br/><br/>14.45-16.00:<br/>Workshop with audience: Participants invited to join dialogue concerning comparative education and its current state and possible ‘futures’.<br/><br/>Participation is free, but for practical registration via:<br/>Deadline for registration: Tuesday November 14.<br/><br/>Participants come mostly from DPU, but also some from Malmö/Lund, RUC, and KU etc.<br/><br/>Arranged by Department of Education Studie.<br/><br/>Ref. John Benedicto Krejsler ([email protected])
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