The real governance of disaster risk management in peri-urban Senegal: Delivering flood response services through co-production.

Caroline Schaer, Eric Komlavi Hahonou

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


Disastrous and recurring floods have impacted West African urban centres over the last decade, accentuating already existing vulnerabilities in poor neighbourhoods. Climate change-induced changing weather patterns and more extreme weather events are only part of the explanation for this situation, as large segments of the urban population in West Africa are not offered the public services, infrastructure and protective regulations needed in order to respond to floods. Through an empirically grounded approach, the article shows that the ability to respond to floods is formed largely outside the realm of the state in a poor peri-urban municipality of Pikine, Dakar. The authors show how the organization of collective services pertaining to flood response and climate change adaptation is maintained through co-production among service users and providers entailing a mixture of diverse governance modes. The article concludes that weak state capacity is not equivalent to non-existent of ungoverned collective services linked to floods. While flood response service delivery through co-production, may constitute the best available options in a context of poor resources, because of the negotiated character of public service delivery it also creates an environment favourable for brokers to take ownership of central processes of service delivery and for structural inequalities to be reinforced locally.
Original languageEnglish
JournalProgress in Development Studies
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)38-53
Number of pages16
Publication statusPublished - 2017

Bibliographical note

Note from publisher when using the attached Accepted Manuscript verison of the article: "Appropriate credit must be given to the SAGE journal where the Contribution has been published, as the original source of the content, as follows: Author(s), Article Title, Journal Title (Journal Volume Number and Issue Number) pp. xx-xx. Copyright © [year] (Copyright Holder). Reprinted by permission of SAGE Publications. Additionally, please provide a link to the appropriate DOI for the published version of the Contribution on the SAGE Journals website"


  • Climate adaptation
  • Senegal
  • community based adaptation
  • decentralisation
  • disaster risk management
  • real governance
  • urban flooding

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