The Promise of Citizenship, Dignity and Social Inclusion for Older People.

Annette Bilfeldt, Marianne Mahler

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearchpeer-review


How to break social exclusion of older people? Social exclusion concerns mechanisms and condi-tions that mean that individuals and / or groups are wholly or partially excluded from autonomy and influence on their own situation and the rights that the majority of citizens possess. The EU COST action Reducing Old Age Social Exclusion (ROSE-Net) focuses on both the causes and reduction of social exclusion of the elderly. Social inclusion, by contrast, consists of processes through which marginalized or excluded groups gain more power over their own life situation, self-determination and access to the same living conditions and rights that the majority of society enjoy (Larsen & Andersen, 2013).WHO defines ageism as the stereotyping prejudice and discrimination towards people on the basis of their age. Ageism is widespread and an insidious practice which has harmful effects on the health and wellbeing of older adults, as it marginalises and excludes older people in their communities.Some groups are at higher risk of exclusion. Those groups include people with dementia, those living in institutions, people living in rural areas, cultu-ral minorities and older migrants. And in a gender perspective these risks can take different forms. The groups of highest risk of exclusion remain unaware of their rights as citizens, and may also lack basic information about services, supports and entitle-ments.Two dimensions in relation to ageism are to be highlighted: how it manifests through the symbo-lic exclusion of older people, for example through “the othering” of ageing and older people in media representation, and how ageism is embedded in institutions and in social and societal structures.The promise of citizenship is of a rights-centred ap-proach to participation (and inclusion) founded on recognition of autonomy and self-governance at all stages of our lives.In this workshop social exclusion of older people as well as processes that lead to social inclusion of older people will be highlighted.


Conference9th Nordic Health Promotion Research Network Conference
LocationRoskilde Universitet
OtherThe 9th Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference addresses the question of how we as researchers are able to investigate and theorize the changing contexts for health promotion and the normativity’s intertwined with late-modern interests in health. How can we understand the duality of health as on the one hand a basic human right, a fundamental resource for living, as well as a precondition for societal cohesion and development, and on the other hand as increasingly becoming a civic obligation left for the individual to fulfill?<br/><br/>The assumption that health may be understood as a simultaneously societal, bodily as well as biological reality, subjectively experienced, objectively measured and socially constructed leads to a need for discussions of what health promotion is and can be in the future. It questions available theories and calls for in-depth reflections on how to engage with sustainable health promotion in theory, as researchers and in practice. Speakers and presenters at The 9th Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference are encouraged to address the conference theme from both empirical and theoretical angles providing a creative space for such reflections.
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