The Framework of Reference for Pluralistic Approaches to Languages and Cultures: A Complement to the CEFR to Develop Plurilingual and Intercultural Competence

Michel Candelier, Petra Gilliyard Daryai-Hansen, Anna Schröder-Sura

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


After a brief introductory section concerning the history of the FREPA project and its general objectives, the second section refers firstly to the concept of ‘Plurilingual and intercultural competences’ and then defines what ‘Pluralistic approaches’ are, showing their necessity for every educative enterprise conforming to this concept. In the third section, the focus lies on the FREPA framework itself, presenting the framework in more detail while stressing its role as an innovative complement to the CEFR. The fourth section aims to show how the FREPA can support the use of pluralistic approaches in class by describing the set of tools developed within the FREPA project and illustrating their function. Finally, the fifth section provides an outline of current perspectives of the project concerning dissemination and further research work.
Original languageEnglish
JournalInnovation in Language Learning and Teaching
Issue number3
Pages (from-to)243-257
Publication statusPublished - 2012

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