The Evolution of the Roskilde Model in Denmark

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For four decades, teaching at Roskilde University has been
based on a research-active curriculum (Healey and Jenkins
2009, 122) mainstreaming research-based learning for all undergraduates
and graduates. Problem-oriented project learning
(PPL) is the cornerstone of a university-wide system that
pervades the formal curriculum from day one. Students’ orientation
toward research is standard and is a central part of
the university’s vision and strategy (see also Andersen and
Heilesen 2015). This contrasts with the dominant situation
in the U.S., as well as in Europe, where research-based undergraduate
learning is achieved primarily through the construction
of special tracks for small groups of students (comp.
Kinkead 2003, 7; Katkin 2003, 19; Healey and Jenkins 2009,
33). Before embarking on a general discussion of problem-oriented
project learning, the article illustrates the scope of
project work with a concrete example. The article also outline two
different approaches to innovate using the Roskilde model
of PPL.
Original languageEnglish
JournalCouncil on Undergraduate Research Quarterly
Issue number2
Pages (from-to)22-27
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2015

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