The Bizarre Bazaar: FabLabs as Hybrid Hubs

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearch


In this paper we observe how ‘Fablabbing’ as a global social movement (Walter- Hermann 2013) in convergence with ‘the Maker movement’ (Hatch 2013) creates new spaces for learning, innovation, research and self-actualization. On the background of our experiences with establishing and running FabLab RUC as an experimental space for learning, innovation and research, we discuss how ‘working through materials’ enables new forms of student-centred learning. We do this firstly by considering some of the ways lab-based learning has been discussed in the design literature. In particularly we want to address some of the recent debate around “Making” as model for learning in current design and anthropological theory. We then, secondly, move on to consider three cases for knowledge creation in a Fablab context. All three have been drawn from current work at FabLab RUC and demonstrate various key features of what we see as key potentials for the marriage between grassroot movements, academia and high-tech environments. Finally, and thirdly, we discuss the role of “design”, “sketching” and “prototyping” in these cases in order to understand the role of design practices as a learning tool in the fablab. With this background we discuss the characteristics of this space, emphasizing in particular the role of proximity between researchers, students and professionals in art, technology and entrepreneurship as the ‘hybrid hub’ of the bizarre bazaar of the Fablab.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date23 Jun 2016
Number of pages16
Publication statusPublished - 23 Jun 2016
EventCritical Edge Alliance Conference 2016: Innovative and Critical Approaches to Higher Education in the 21st Century - Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark
Duration: 22 Jun 201624 Jun 2016 (Link to konference)


ConferenceCritical Edge Alliance Conference 2016
LocationRoskilde University
Internet address

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