Subjektivering, pædagogik og GAI: Eller hvad siger humanister til ChatGPT?

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearchpeer-review


I Viggo Bjerrings sci-fi-roman ”Verdenshjertet” (2021) er hovedpersonen en akademisk uddannet person, som lever af at lave rettelser i og tilpasse GAI-skabt tekst, og det kan meget vel blive vores studerendes fremtid. GAI’s lærende,mønstergenkendende algoritmer kan bearbejde mere information, end det er et menneske forundt. Denfantasi/mareridt er et centralt spor i kritisk uddannelsestænkning, litteratur og filosofi, og fantasien/mareridtet stillerskarpe spørgsmål som: Hvem er forfatteren, og hvorfor er det vigtigt? Vi kommer til at leve med en GAI, der er ingenmen alvidende, en overlegen kraft uden at være nogen. I en nyere artikel genbesøger Gert Biesta sin opdeling afuddannelses formål i ”kvalificering, subjektivering og socialisering” og vurderer, at subjektivering er uddannelsesoverordnede formål. Med Biestas ramme in mente vil vi inddrage deltagerne i en samtale om, hvilke spørgsmål GAIstiller til os som undervisere og udviklere.
Original languageDanish
Publication date23 May 2024
Publication statusPublished - 23 May 2024
EventUniversitetet i en brydningstid: Dansk Universitetspædagogisk Netværks Konference 2024 - Danmark, Vejle, Denmark
Duration: 23 May 202424 May 2024


ConferenceUniversitetet i en brydningstid
OtherUniversities and other higher education institutions are facing major challenges and opportunities in a time when the framework for education is being disrupted and changed. Societal trends, political reforms, digitalization and the introduction of generative artificial intelligence raise questions about what needs to be renewed and what needs to be retained in the pedagogical thinking and toolbox of universities and higher education.<br/><br/>For example, how is artificial intelligence incorporated into teaching, and what can and should it mean for the way we teach? What does the increasing diversity among students mean and what didactic approaches can be used to create inclusion and provide equal opportunities for participation? Which values and which tools will shape and influence the universities of the future, and what can and should we do to analyze, create tools and advise university leaders, teachers, university educators, didactic educators and students so that they are strong in relation to a future we already have a foothold in?<br/><br/>In a time of change that calls for new perspectives or a reinvention of pedagogical approaches, we as researchers, educators and educational developers with an interest in university pedagogy will have the opportunity to share knowledge and experiences on how to develop and meet future needs for innovation in teaching and learning. This year's DUN conference is an opportunity to present the latest research and share best practices on how we together can further develop a pedagogy in universities and higher education that addresses the challenges of tomorrow.<br/><br/>Questions and themes can be, for example:<br/><br/> In what ways are we working with the Danish framework for crediting university pedagogical competencies to strengthen teachers' teaching skills?<br/> What expectations are there for teachers' digital didactic competencies when generative AI changes the premises for learning and exams?<br/> How is diversity experienced in teaching, what inclusion/exclusion mechanisms are at play and how is belonging created?
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  • GAI
  • ChatGPT
  • Pædagogik
  • Subjektivering
  • Gert Biesta
  • Vanhelligelse
  • Mønstergenkendelse

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