Sovereignty, Riots, and Social Contestation: Excess and Domestication

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


This article explores the enmeshment of sovereignty, riots, and social contestation. Riots have continually marked out the thresholds allowed for exceptions to be declared. As such, they have been the sovereign entity par excellence that produces the moments of politics that need to be domesticated. Interestingly, expressions of sovereignty have always presented themselves in contexts of riots and social contestation. These issues will be explored ethnographically in relation to riots in Mozambique. The relationship between excess and domestication is explored through an analysis of two indices of sovereignty: riots and their close associates “mobs” as excess; and processes
of domestication. Th e fi rst index grapples with t he excesses of riots and mobs, and encompasses, I suggest, all the elements of sovereignty: exception, in- and exclusion, and excess. Th e second index explores the enmeshment of sovereignty and social contestation from the perspective of domestication, particularly the diff erent forms for control and violence that come into play when the quest for making life and creating order is at stake.
Original languageEnglish
JournalConflict and Society: Advances in Research
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)165–181
Number of pages16
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • Bataille
  • sovereignty
  • riots
  • mobs
  • domestication
  • conflict
  • Hierarchies of Rights

    Buur, L. (Project manager), Jaime Macuane, J. (Project participant), Mondlane Tembe, C. (Project participant), Monjane, C. M. (Project participant), Salimo, P. (Project participant), Maganga, F. (Project participant), Hundsbæk Pedersen, R. (Project participant), Mwakaje, A. (Project participant), Kweka, O. (Project participant), Sulle, E. (Project participant), Jacob, T. (Project participant), Jarnholt, E. D. (Project participant) & Nystrand, M. (Project participant)


    Project: Research

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