Responsible geographies and geographies of response: educating geographers in an era of the anthropocene

    Research output: Book/ReportPh.D. thesis


    This dissertation engages with Danish University geographers at work and their explication of the role of geography in shaping socio-environmental debates in an era of the anthropocene. Situating sustainability concepts in a historygeographical context the dissertation examines responses and responsibilities concerning academic fights over representing global environmental change. A major part concerns the theoretical basis and draws inspiration from a series of critical geographical work on the marketization of universities, and relates this tincture to the wider education for sustainability in higher education literature. The methodological framework is based on the social nature approach that tangles these quite distinct epistemological communities by consulting the socio-natures produced. It is concluded that though geographers find sustainability themes important to geography, sustainability is more often implicit than it is explicit. This produces a number of dilemmas and contradictions since geographers both seek to distance themselves from produced politics while at the same time elucidating them. Geographies of response and responsibilities address the battleground over the reading and writing of global environmental change.

    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationRoskilde
    PublisherRoskilde Universitet
    Number of pages277
    ISBN (Print)ISBN 978-87-7349-900-9
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


    • Geography education
    • Interdisciplinary academic spaces of work
    • Academic responses to Climate Change
    • sustainability
    • Anthropocene
    • Space-Time
    • Social Nature
    • Paradoxical Natures – Paradoxical Cultures

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