Remarks on Hybrid Modal Logic with Propositional Quantfiers

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review


Arthur Prior invented hybrid logic, and sometimes defined nominals withhis푄operator, which he in turn defined using propositional quantifiers.Nowadays there are two well-known approaches to propositional quan-tification: the standard (or set-theoretical) approach and the general(or Henkin) approach. As we shall see, these give rise to two different‘species’ of nominals. Working in a version of hybrid logic which con-tainsbothstandard nominals and propositional quantifiers we shall seethat these two ‘species’ behave differently with respect to the rule of uni-versal instantiation. We then suggest that this formally-defined ‘speciesdivision’ corresponds rather well with two intuitions about nominals thatcan be detected in Prior’s writing: the ‘index’ view and the ‘content’ view.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Metaphysics of Time : Themes from Prior
EditorsPer Hasle, David Jakobsen, Peter Øhrstrøm
PublisherAalborg Universitetsforlag
Publication date2020
ISBN (Print)978-87-7210-724-0
Publication statusPublished - 2020
SeriesLogic and Philosophy of Time


  • Arthur Prior
  • Hybrid logic
  • Nominals
  • quantifiers
  • Tableau systems

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