Performance Design as Education of Desire

Michael Haldrup Pedersen, Franziska Bork Petersen

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review


Confronted with the ubiquitous presence of preprogramed desires we propose Performance Design as a utopian institution for the education of desire. The utopian education of desire offers a potential and systematic creation of spaces that enable us “to imagine wanting something else, something qualitatively different” (Levitas 2013: 113). PD is uniquely suited to such an educational task, because it can function as a framework for not only designing alternative ways of being through affective interventions and estrangements, but also playing them out in performance. A modus operandi rather than a discipline. Such a utopian PD would be an institution without borders. A mobilized and mobilizing institution enjoying an unruly, symbiotic or even parasitic metabolism with academic faculties (art, Geisteswissenschaft, technology, science) and sites for performance (bodies, home, workplace, city, planet). We contend that without the educational utopia of performance design; without the utopian pockets and impulses it may trace and without the utopian programs it may provide from within, both the theatre, the museum and the university would be much poorer institutions.
Translated title of the contributionPerformance Design som Dannelse af Begær
Original languageEnglish
Publication date25 Jan 2018
Publication statusPublished - 25 Jan 2018
Event3rd International Performance Design Symposium - Teatro Potlach, Fara in Sabina, Italy
Duration: 24 Jan 201829 Jan 2018
Conference number: III


Conference3rd International Performance Design Symposium
LocationTeatro Potlach
CityFara in Sabina


  • Performance Design
  • utopian imagination
  • desire

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