Noise, ghosts and fragments: Rethinking what counts in comparative education

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearchpeer-review


This session brings together three leading education scholars for a discussion of the cultural and social politics of practices of “inclusion” and “exclusion”. The papers bring both empirical and philosophical considerations to bear on the problematizing of “inclusion | exclusion” especially when these two are considered as binary opposites.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2017
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Event61st Annual Comparative and International Education Society Conference: Problematizing (in)equality. The promise of comparative and international education - Atlanta , Atlanta, United States
Duration: 5 Mar 20179 Mar 2017
Conference number: 61 (Programme)


Conference61st Annual Comparative and International Education Society Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Internet address

Bibliographical note

464. Presidential Highlighted Session: Problematizing Inclusion | Exclusion.
This session brings together three leading education scholars for a discussion of the cultural and social politics of practices of “inclusion” and “exclusion”. The papers bring both empirical and philosophical considerations to bear on the problematizing of “inclusion | exclusion” especially when these two are considered as binary opposites.

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