Mental health and wellbeing of intermarried couples in Denmark: Implications for psychosocial services

Rashmi Singla, Dagny Holm

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCOST Series on Health and Diversity Volume 1 : Health ineqalities and risk factors among migrants and ethnic minorities
EditorsDavid Ingleby, Allan Krasnik, Vincent Lorant, Oliver Razum
Number of pages16
VolumeVol. 1
Place of PublicationApeldoorn, Holland
PublisherGarant Publishers
Publication date31 May 2012
ISBN (Print)ISBN 978-90-441-2928-1
Publication statusPublished - 31 May 2012

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