Los cambios en el vestido: un espacio inesperado de formación de ciudadanía y de mestizaje, México-Estados Unidos de America, ca 1880-1950

Translated title of the contribution: Changes in clothing:: an unexpected space in the formation of citizenship and mestizaje, Mexico-USA

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review


    The chapter explores why and how Mexican country people changed their way of dress as a way to negotiate new identities as Mexicans and citizens when crossing the border to the United States. Claims to citizenship became central in the face of the prejudice against Indians at home and the systematic racism they encountered in the USA. Tracing changes in clothing, first among men and later women, gives an insight into processes of mestizaje 'from below'.
    Translated title of the contributionChanges in clothing:: an unexpected space in the formation of citizenship and mestizaje, Mexico-USA
    Original languageSpanish
    Title of host publicationCiudadanos inesperados : espacios de formación de la ciudadanía ayer y hoy
    EditorsAriadna Acevedo, Paula López
    Number of pages32
    Place of PublicationMexico
    PublisherPrimera edición
    Publication date2012
    ISBN (Print)978-607-462-410-6
    Publication statusPublished - 2012


    • Citizenship; mestizaje; clothing; migration

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