Integrating literature search training in problem-oriented project-based learning

Inger Louise Berling Hyams, Martin Severin Frandsen, Søren Davidsen

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearch


Training and competence in literature search is vital for the highly independently run type of problem oriented project based learning (PPL) that dominates the didactic strategy of Roskilde University (see for instance, Andersen & Kjeldsen 2015, Nielsen 2020, Achton 2019, Servant-Miklos 2020). However, literature and information search is not systematically taught to all students and furthermore there is very little research uncovering, how literature search training can scaffold learning in the PPL setting. The present study is an experiment, where literature search training is implemented into the group formation process of a second semester of the HUMTEK (Humanities and Technology) bachelor program at Roskilde University (February 2021). The study is conducted as ethnographic field observations and supplemented with qualitative interviews with students and teachers, as well as an assessment of mid-term papers. Building on ideas from Dewey (1910) and Schön (1983) that learning happens best when contextualized in practices. The hypothesis is that the integration of literature search in the group formation will strengthen the students’ process, because the students train their informations search while formulating their project problem, rather than receive thetraining as a side to their project work. The study especially surveys the effect of integrating literature search in group formation and whether this will enable students to create a better defined project earlier. At the same time the study sheds light on the connection between PPL and literature search training, and intends to model a way, where literature search training might fit more naturally into the PPL framework than the standard lecture format introductions.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date4 Jun 2021
Publication statusPublished - 4 Jun 2021
EventCreating Knowledge 2021 - UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway
Duration: 3 Jun 20214 Jun 2021


ConferenceCreating Knowledge 2021
LocationUiT The Arctic University of Norway
Internet address

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