Hvad betyder Parkinsondans for dansere med Parkinson og pårørende? Forskningsresultater belyser vigtigheden af musik og dans for glæde, fællesskab, og eksistentiel håbefuldhed

Translated title of the contribution: How does dancing offer meaningfulness to people with Parkinson's disease and their carers?? : Research results highlight the importance of music and dance for happiness, community, and existential hopefulness

Lisbeth Frølunde, Louise Jane Phillips, Maria Bee Christensen-Strynø

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review


The research project "Dancing with Parkinson" (2019-2022) explored the following question about dance from the perspective of people with Parkinson's disease.
What do people with Parkinson's and their carers find meaningful in regards to dance in their everyday life?
The presentation discussed the main results:
- music is inseparable from dance and brings happiness (joy) and aesthetic experiences,
- belonging to a community that accepts differences is important for social well-being,
- hope as an the experiential aspect of dance is relevant existentially when coping with a chronic, neurodegenerative disease.
Translated title of the contributionHow does dancing offer meaningfulness to people with Parkinson's disease and their carers?? : Research results highlight the importance of music and dance for happiness, community, and existential hopefulness
Original languageDanish
Publication date14 Nov 2023
Publication statusPublished - 14 Nov 2023
EventForskningsseminar 2023:
: Ikke-farmakologisk rehabiliteringsforskning og Parkinsons sygdom
- MarselisborgCentret, Videns- og kompetencecentret for rehabilitering til mennesker med parkinson, Århus
Duration: 14 Nov 202314 Nov 2023


SeminarForskningsseminar 2023:
LocationMarselisborgCentret, Videns- og kompetencecentret for rehabilitering til mennesker med parkinson
Internet address


  • Rehabilitation and everyday life
  • community dance
  • Music activities
  • Existential well-being
  • Illness experience

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