How health care and health promoting institutions contribute to social inequality in health: – discussed from the perspective of healthism, risk, moral and class and studied ethnographically

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review


The aim of this paper is, qualitatively, to explore and discuss how risk, moralization and class intertwine in contexts of health care and health promotion work targeting children and parents.
Translated title of the contributionHvordan sundhedsfremmeinstitutioner bidrager til social ulighed i sundhed: - diskuteret ud fra healthism, risiko, moral og klasse og studeret etnografisk
Original languageEnglish
Publication date9 Aug 2018
Publication statusPublished - 9 Aug 2018
EventThe 29th Nordic Sociological Association Conference : The Global North – Welfare policies, mobilities, inequalities, and social movements - Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
Duration: 8 Aug 201810 Aug 2018
Conference number: 29


ConferenceThe 29th Nordic Sociological Association Conference
LocationAalborg University
OtherThe conference focuses on the relation between Nordic countries and global processes. How do the Nordic countries influence global processes and how do global processes such as migration, division of labour, environmental problems, commodity production and discourses for modern governance influence the Nordic countries. The conference will address challenges to the Nordic countries and responses to such challenges. Hence, the conference addresses questions of migration, poverty, inequality, recent labour market and welfare state developments. The conference also focuses on responses from civil society, institutional developments, changes in organizations, management, governance and the frontline of the welfare state.
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  • Class
  • Risk
  • Moral
  • Inequality in health
  • Health care

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