Global health intervention from Global North to South: (Academic) preparation of students

Rashmi Singla, Louise Mubanda Rasmussen

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review


This chapter discusses how to conduct before- intervention preparation of students based on a pioneer course collaboration between the subjects Health Promotion and International Development Studies at Roskilde University. The focus is on agents of intervention from the Global North with Global South targets.The theoretical framework of the course includes, among others approaches from cultural psychology (Valsiner), critical psychiatry/ psychology (Fernando), culture-centered health communication (Dutta) and medical anthropology (Farmer, Nguyen & Lock).The course is framed around a critical conceptualization of globalisation covering spatial and ideological dimensions (Fassin). Today’s practice of global health interventions is contextualized with a broad perspective on historical continuity and ruptures  from legacies of mistrust in colonial medicine (Keller) to postcolonial approaches to mobile professionals (Fechter). Both sides in the encounter, emphasising ethno- racial representations and the burden of ‘otherness’ (Moodley), are in focus because the interventions influence both the agents of intervention and the targets. The course seeks to create a balance between the expert knowledge position and local knowledge systems through a multi-contextual combination of theory and practice. The chapter illustrates how students’ interactive participation is central to opening up a space where issues of power and identity in the encounter of global health interventions can be critically examined and reflected upon. We conclude the chapter by critically discussing the potential of analytic generalisation from the experience of running this course.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCultural Psychology of Intervention in the Globalized World
EditorsSanna Schliewe, Nandita Chaudhary, Giuseppina Marsico
Number of pages20
Place of PublicationCharlotte, NC
PublisherInformation Age Publishing
Publication date2018
ISBN (Print)978-1-64113-285-5, 978-1-64113-286-2
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-64113-287-9
Publication statusPublished - 2018
SeriesAdvances in Cultural Psychology: Constructing Human Development


  • gents of intervention
  • culture-centered health communication
  • a balance between the e xpert knowledge position and local knowledge systems
  • critical psychiatry
  • cultural psychology
  • psychology

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