Evolution of deformation structures under varying loading conditions followed in situ by high angular resolution 3DXRD

Wolfgang Pantleon, Christian Wejdemann, Bo Jakobsen, Ulrich Lienert, Henning F. Poulsen

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


With high angular resolution three-dimensional X-ray diffraction, individual subgrains are traced in the bulk of a polycrystalline specimen and their dynamics is followed in situ during varying loading conditions. The intensity distribution of single Bragg reflections from an individual grain is analyzed in reciprocal space. It consists of sharp high-intensity peaks arising from subgrains superimposed on a cloud of lower intensity arising from dislocation walls. Individual subgrains can be distinguished by their unique combination of orientation and elastic strain. The responses of polycrystalline copper to different loading conditions are presented: during uninterrupted tensile deformation, formation of subgrains can be observed concurrently with broadening of the Bragg reflection shortly after onset of plastic deformation. With continued tensile deformation, the subgrain structure develops intermittently. When the traction is terminated, stress relaxation occurs and number, size and orientation of subgrains are found to be constant. The subgrain structure freezes and only a minor clean-up of the dislocation structure is observed. When changing the tensile direction after pre-deformation in tension, a systematic correlation between the degree of strain path change and the changes in the dislocation structure quantified by the volume fraction of the subgrains is established. For obtaining the subgrain volume fraction, a new fitting method has been developed for partitioning the contributions of subgrains and dislocation walls
Original languageEnglish
JournalMaterials Science & Engineering: A
Issue number1-2
Pages (from-to)55-63
Publication statusPublished - 2009


  • X-ray diffraction
  • Plastic deformation
  • Dislocation structure
  • Tensile deformation
  • Stress relaxation
  • Strain path change

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