Developments in working long and unsocial hours in a Danish prospective cohort study on family and work life

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearchpeer-review


A recent systematic literature review by Wagstaff and Sigstad Lie (2011) of shift and night work and long working hours found that those involved might have a higher risk of being involved in occupational accidents especially within safety critical occupations like long-distance lorry drivers, medical professionals and food processing workers. Several of the studies included pointed at life style behavior, well-being, fatigue and dys-functional sleep patterns as mediating factors while none of the studies had looked at work-family life interaction. The panel study is based on a randomized sample (n=1600) of people born in 1968, living in Denmark in 2003. The panel has participated in two waves of data collection. One in 2003, collected via Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews, and one in 2014, based on a web-based survey. The study shows that significant more people are working more than full time in 2014 compared to 2003 and more people are working unsocial hours in 2014. Moreover, there is a significant difference with respect to female partners spending less time at work than their male partners do and this difference is robust over the time span of the study.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date6 Oct 2017
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 6 Oct 2017
Event9th Tnternational Conference on the Prevention of Accidents at Work - Vienna House Diplomat Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
Duration: 3 Oct 20176 Oct 2017
Conference number: 9


Conference9th Tnternational Conference on the Prevention of Accidents at Work
LocationVienna House Diplomat Prague
Country/TerritoryCzech Republic
Internet address


  • work familly balance
  • working unsociale hours
  • Cohort study

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