Crossroads in the process of mathematization exemplified by early astronomy

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearch

Original languageEnglish
Publication date11 Oct 2017
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 11 Oct 2017
EventInternational workshop on graphs, semigroups, and semigroup acts - Technische Universität, Berlin, Germany
Duration: 10 Oct 201713 Oct 2017


WorkshopInternational workshop on graphs, semigroups, and semigroup acts
LocationTechnische Universität
OtherThis conference brings together scholars from areas including but not restricted to: categories, semigroups, acts, monoids, algebraic graph theory, and mathematical modelling. In particular, we celebrate the 75th birthday of Ulrich Knauer, whose research over the years has been related to the above topics. The aim is to present and discuss current research in a friendly and intimate setting.
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