Comparing ‘being, and ‘becoming’. Negotiating readiness in Early Childhood Education and Care in Zealand (Denmark) and New Zealand.

Niels Kryger, Allan Westerling

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearchpeer-review


The interactive workshop comprises presentations of findings from an ongoing (2016-18) Danish research project focusing on concepts and practices of readiness in ECEC in comparing and analysing sites (field works in ECEC as well as curricula) in Denmark and New Zealand with a particular focus on cooperation between institutions and families. The project shows complex connection between readiness, cultural identity and institutionalization of childhood. We found that in both countries ECE is considered as a key factor in Nation building and in identity politics in production of what can be labelled the (multi-cultural) ‘Kiwi child’ vs. the (mono-cultural) ‘Danish Child’.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date26 Oct 2017
Publication statusPublished - 26 Oct 2017
Event25th International RECE Conference: Finding a Home in the World: Migration, Indigeneity, and Citizenship - Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
Duration: 24 Oct 201727 Oct 2017


Conference25th International RECE Conference
LocationRyerson University
Internet address

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