Coercive E-government Policy Imposing Harm: The Need for a Responsible E-government Ethics

Jesper Bull Berger

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


The value of e-government, services to citizens by public institutions through the internet, is dependent on the mutual adoption of e-government by both the public institution and the citizens. This paper describes a longitudinal study of e-government adoption by municipalities and citizens in Denmark. We studied the e-government initiative Digital Post encrypted digital communication between municipalities and citizens. Over the three-year adoption period, we found four adoption patterns among municipalities, characterized by a slow, late, gradual or early increase in the use of Digital Post. The adoption patterns among citizens were less distinct. We calculated the realized savings to only 20% of the anticipated savings, leading to a deficit of nearly €5 million in 2013. Municipal funding was reduced according to the anticipated savings. In addition, the variation in adoption by municipal staff explained much more of the variation in the deficit than the variation in adoption by citizens did. We wish to draw attention to the overly optimistic expectations of savings from e-government and to a need for further research into the governmental processes of e-government.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2016, Koloa, HI, USA, January 5-8, 2016
EditorsTung X. Bui, Ralph H. Sprague Jr.
Number of pages10
Publication date2016
ISBN (Print)9780769556703
Publication statusPublished - 2016
Externally publishedYes
Event49th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences: Network Analysis of Social and Digital Media - Grand Hyatt, Kauai, United States
Duration: 5 Jan 20168 Jan 2016
Conference number: 49


Conference49th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
LocationGrand Hyatt
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Internet address

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