Climate Change as Disaster or Icing on the Cake?

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review


My paper looks at how climate change has dramatically altered not only the political climate between Greenland and Denmark, but also within Greenland itself. In a book published in 2012 in Danish, Denmark: Rigsfaellesskab, Tropical Colonies and the Postcolonial Aftermath, I looked at how Denmark has understood itself through its relationships with its former colonies in the North Atlantic, the tropics, as a reluctant emerging multicultural society, and through international intervention (development aid). After completing this book, I have turned the gaze to Greenland, to see how it understands its position in an Arctic that has emerged as a focus for neoliberally driven resource extraction, geopolitical power games, and science (climate change, ecology etc). The paper will investigate how climate change is produced as a local, national, inter-Rigsfællesskab, regional and global Greenlandic narrative.
Original languageEnglish
Publication dateMay 2014
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - May 2014
EventInternational Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS) VIII: Northern Sustainabilities - University of Northern British Columbia (NBC), Prince George, British Columbia, Canada
Duration: 22 May 201426 May 2014
Conference number: 8


ConferenceInternational Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS) VIII
LocationUniversity of Northern British Columbia (NBC)
CityPrince George, British Columbia
Internet address


  • Climate Change
  • Greenland
  • Scramble for the Arctic
  • Sustainability
  • Political agency

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