Childism and Philosophy: A conceptual co-exploration

Tanu Biswa, John Wall, Hanne Warming, Ohad Zehavi, David Kennedy, Karin Murris, Walter Kohan, Britta Saal, Toby Rollo

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


This article is a conceptual co-exploration of the relationship between philosophy and childism. It draws upon a colloquium in December 2021 at the Childism Institute at Rutgers University. Nine co-authors lay out and interweave scholarly imaginations to collectively explore the concept of childism in critical philosophical depth. Through diverse entry points, the co-authors bring a wide range of theoretical perspectives to this task, some engaging the term childism explicitly in their work, others approaching it anew. The result is an extended conversation about the possibilities for deconstructing ingrained historical adultism and reconstructing social norms and structures in response to what is marginalized in the experiences of children. Our own conclusion, having initiated this dialogue, is that we have learned to think about childism with greater plurality, that is, as childisms.
Original languageEnglish
JournalPolicy Futures in Education
Issue number5
Pages (from-to)741-759
Number of pages19
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2024


  • Childism
  • philosophy
  • childhood studies
  • collective writing
  • subjectivity

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