Arsenale Autoetnografi: hurtigt forsøg med en metode og et sted

Translated title of the contribution: Arsenale Autoethnography: rough experiment with a method and a place

Connie Svabo (Producer)

Research output: Non-textual formSound/Visual production (digital)Research


ArsenaleAutoethnography - quick experiment with a new genre. Produced on a Performance Design study trip at the Venice Art Biennale - at Arsenale. The images are recordings made in the art exhibition. The words are a combination of works found in the exhibition (words in English) and my own thoughts (Danish).
Translated title of the contributionArsenale Autoethnography: rough experiment with a method and a place
Original languageDanish
Publication date21 Sept 2015
Media of outputVideo
Publication statusPublished - 21 Sept 2015
Event56th International Art Exhibition: All the World's Futures - La Biennale di Venezia , Venedig, Italy
Duration: 9 May 201522 Nov 2015


Other56th International Art Exhibition
LocationLa Biennale di Venezia
Internet address


  • autoethnography
  • art
  • exhibition
  • method

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