Analytical framework on everyday mobility practices and guidelines for interventions: Deliverable D1 of the SIMS project

Toke Haunstrup Christensen, Freja Friis, Malene Freudendal-Pedersen, Thomas Skou Grindsted, Katrine Hartmann-Petersen

Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch


This is the deliverable D1 Analytical framework on everyday mobility practices and guidelines for interventions from the project Sustainable Innovative Mobility Solutions (SIMS). The deliverable is the outcome of WorkPackage 1 (WP1) Analytical framework and guidelines and has been prepared by researchers from Aalborg University (AAU) and Roskilde University (RUC).The analytical framework is based on existing knowledge within mobility and practice theory studies. The framework describes the dynamics within everyday mobility practices and provides guidelines on how to design the mobility interventions in SIMS. In this way, it informs the work of the later WP2 (in relation to the thematic focus of the pre-intervention site studies) and WP3 (guidelines on how to design practice-based mobility interventions). The SIMS projectis funded by the Grand Solutions Programme of Innovation Fund Denmark. The vision of SIMS is to develop sustainable and multi-modal mobility solutions that are adapted to citizens’ everyday practices and needs, that incorporate future and existing resource-efficient transport modes, and that are co-developed within the wider urban physical development and social relations. For further information about SIMS, see
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationRoskilde
PublisherRoskilde Universitet
Number of pages42
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2019

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