A tale of two father/ mother lands: The South Asian Diaspora in Scandinavia

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With starting point in the concept of plural identities and diaspora in relation to migration and ethnic identity, this article throws light on the social psychological situation of South Asian youth in Scandinavia, primarily in Denmark. The youths’ interethnic relationships and diasporic identities are delineated on the basis of an empirical project based on qualtitative interview method, combined with an array of secondary sources. South Asian youth are becoming a part of the receiving society along with developing their complex diaspora identities through strategies like forming relationships across ethnic borders, democratic facing of racial discrimination through youth organisations, and media consumption. Similar results are indicated by studies of the same groups in host countries like UK. The conclusions pin point the challenges for Scandinavian societies, South Asian countries and the South Asian diaspora living in Scandinavia, which can also be applied to other diaspora groups in the Nordic context to some extent
Original languageEnglish
JournalPsyke & Logos
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)54-71
Number of pages17
Publication statusPublished - 2006

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