A Review of Biogas Applications across Continents: Case study of Thailand, Ghana and Denmark

Rikke Lybæk, Emmanuel kofi Ackom, Edem Cudjoe Bensah

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearch


This paper analyses the biogas development within Ghana, Thailand and Denmark to shed light on the different development patterns and future trends that is seen within the biogas sector. Literature review in the form of journal articles and reports is assessed, interviews with agricultural and biogas experts - as well as policy makers within the field of renewable energy - is being conducted. The biogas technology was analysed according to ‘historical development’, ‘feedstock utilization’ and ‘future development’. As far as the future prospects for the biogas technology the paper concludes, that large public support in the form of governmental grants and development aid has shaped the current platform for the technologies within all three countries, and that continuous support are needed. This is especially required in Ghana, where the need for finance and appropriate policy frameworks are required to move forward. Thailand and Denmark has set up support programs and emphasized on using industrial organic feedstock for biogas production, and Denmark has formulated political targets for utilizing organic household waste as biogas feedstock. For all three countries apply, despite their differences, that large unused feedstock potentials are identified, especially within the agricultural sector (e.g. livestock manure & crop residues), showing that this part of the biogas feedstock must be emphasised more strongly in the future to fully utilize its potentials.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date1 Nov 2017
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2017
Event12th GMSARN International Conference on Energy Connectivity, Environment, and Development in GMS - Muong Thanh Danang Hotel, Danang, Viet Nam
Duration: 28 Nov 201730 Nov 2017
Conference number: 12


Conference12th GMSARN International Conference on Energy Connectivity, Environment, and Development in GMS
LocationMuong Thanh Danang Hotel
Country/TerritoryViet Nam
OtherThe scope of the Conference will continue to successfully cover the following areas (with examples in parentheses, but not confined to these examples only):<br/><br/>ENERGY<br/>•Greening the fossil fuels<br/>•Renewable Energy for Power and Heat<br/>•Smart Grid and Renewable Energy Integration<br/>•MDGs and Green Energy<br/>•Rural Development through Green Energy<br/>•Biofuels—Prospects for Cleaner Technology<br/>•Biomass Gasification and Combustion<br/>•Clean Development Mechanism<br/>•Cogeneration and Hybrid Energy System<br/>•Geopolitical Energy Security Issues and Strategies<br/>•Global and Regional Energy Demand and Supply<br/>•Demand-Side Management<br/>•Energy Infrastructure<br/>•Energy Modeling and Simulation<br/>•International and Regional Energy Security<br/>•Power System Design and Operation<br/>•Post Kyoto Protocol—Climate Change Strategies<br/>•Power System Planning and Analysis<br/>•Power System Dynamics and Stability<br/>•Power System Optimization<br/>•Power System Interconnection<br/>•Power, Transport, Industries and Household Sector Stake in Climate Change<br/>•Regional Power Interconnection and Trading Arrangement<br/>•Regional Power Market and Pricing in GMS<br/>•Regulation, Promotion and Technologies for Energy Efficient Buildings and Industries<br/>•Restructuring of Electric Supply Industry<br/>•Traditional Energy and Alternative Energy Resources<br/>•Trans-Boundary Power Exchange (Cross-Border Issues)<br/>•Rural electrification development<br/>•Smart grids and active distribution networks<br/>•Distributed Generation Technology<br/>•Emerging and Advanced Energy Resources Technologies<br/>•Energy and Climate Change<br/>•Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy<br/><br/>ENVIRONMENT<br/>•Integrated Watershed Management<br/>•Flood Control and Water Resource Management<br/>•Sustainable Agriculture<br/>•Appropriate Irrigation System<br/>•Biodiversity Conservation and Protection<br/>•Climate Change Adaptation Issues<br/>•Climate Change and impact Assessment<br/>•Clean Development Mechanisms<br/>•Water Supply System<br/>•Pollution Sources and Impact Assessment<br/>•Trans-Boundary Pollution Control and Practices<br/>•Environmental Contamination and Remediation<br/>•Appropriate Technology for Pollution Control<br/>•Pollution Prevention<br/><br/>DEVELOPMENT<br/>•Social Policy<br/>•National Development Policies and Development Aid<br/>•Governance, Civil Society and People’s Participation<br/>•Regional Economic Integration: Opportunity and Marginalization<br/>•Sustainable Tourism<br/>•Sustainable Consumption and Production<br/>•Public-Private Partnership<br/>•Small and Medium Size Enterprise Development<br/>•Urban-Rural Relations and Urbanization<br/>•Urban and Rural Livelihoods<br/>•Mass Media<br/>•Human Resource Development<br/>•Transnational Migration and Human Trafficking<br/>•Gender Relations<br/>•Human Rights<br/>•Cultural Changes<br/>•Cultural Heritage Management
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  • Biogas
  • Ghana
  • Thailand
  • Denmark

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