A Literature Review of AI in Insurance Services

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearchpeer-review


This paper presents the results of a literature review of artificial intelligence in the non-life insurance industry to provide a picture of the use and impact of Artifi-cial Intelligence technologies in this industry. To do this the study conducts a litera-ture search and review of publications about the subject (Grant and Booth, 2009). Five generic themes emerged from the analyzes of the articles collected: the overall theme of artificial intelligence in the insurance industry, artificial intelligence in claims management, insurance and process automation systems, claim analysis and artificial intelligence, impact of artificial intelligence in the insurance industry.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2023
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Event20th conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS - University of Turin, Turin, Italy
Duration: 13 Oct 202314 Oct 2023
Conference number: XX


Conference20th conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS
LocationUniversity of Turin

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