Value Creation in Critical Raw Mineral and Green Energy Transition Projects

Project: Research

Project Details


The project explores a core dilemma of the green transition: We need large investments in green energy and mining of critical minerals to combat climate change, but these investments often encroach on land belonging to indigenous and local communities and threaten their livelihoods and identities. This, in turn, creates conflicts which may disrupt the investments. Through study of four very different cases in Greenland and South Africa the research will unpack how, why and by whom social and corporate value is defined and distributed in large green transition investment projects. We do so by applying a theoretical framework focusing on institutions, policy assemblages and a broader understanding of value including monetary and non-monetary dimensions and temporality. The empirical research will lead to a better theoretical understanding of the politics of value creation in green transition investments and provide a basis to inform policy alternatives.

Layman's description

Projektet udforsker et kernedilemma ved den grønne omstilling: Vi har brug for store investeringer i grøn energi og udvinding af kritiske mineraler for at bekæmpe klimaændringer, men disse investeringer inddrager ofte jord, der tilhører oprindelige og lokale samfund og truer deres levebrød og identiteter. Det skaber konflikter som kan blokere investeringerne. Gennem undersøgelse af fire forskellige cases i Grønland og Sydafrika vil forskningen uddybe, hvordan, hvorfor og af hvem social og kommerciel værdi defineres og fordeles i store grønne omstillingsprojekter. Det gør vi ved at anvende en teoretisk ramme med fokus på institutioner, politik og en bredere forståelse af værdi, herunder monetære og ikke-monetære dimensioner. Den empiriske forskning vil føre til en
bedre teoretisk forståelse af værdiskabelse og fordeling i grønne omstillingsinvesteringer og give grundlag for at diskutere politiske alternativer.
Effective start/end date01/11/202430/06/2028

Collaborative partners

UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This project contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
  • SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
  • SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
  • SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
  • SDG 13 - Climate Action
  • SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals


  • Green transition,
  • Value creation,
  • Institutional design,
  • Policy assemblage,
  • Communities
  • Indigenous
  • Hierarchies of Rights

    Buur, L. (Project manager), Jaime Macuane, J. (Project participant), Mondlane Tembe, C. (Project participant), Monjane, C. M. (Project participant), Salimo, P. (Project participant), Maganga, F. (Project participant), Hundsbæk Pedersen, R. (Project participant), Mwakaje, A. (Project participant), Kweka, O. (Project participant), Sulle, E. (Project participant), Jacob, T. (Project participant), Jarnholt, E. D. (Project participant) & Nystrand, M. (Project participant)


    Project: Research