Innovation and Hypercompetition in a Global Context

Project: Research

Project Details


Is the world becoming hypercompetitive? Many scholars have pointed out that the nature of competition has changed over the last few decades, posing a challenge to strategy making. On the one hand, the gradual increase in international trade, and what we broadly refer to as globalization, has led to the rise of the multinational, affecting markets in host countries, as well as creating new opportunities for export. On the other hand, new technologies and digitalization have led to rapid change and the emergence of a new online and digital economy. In this context, some scholars have argued that the basis for competitive advantage erodes more rapidly for the individual firm. Building
long-term competitive advantages is therefore becoming more difficult. In this project we propose to measure whether or not hypercompetition actually exists.
Effective start/end date01/12/201831/12/2022

Collaborative partners

  • Roskilde University (lead)
  • Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research
  • Chinese Academy of Sciences


  • Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research : €150,000.00