Implementing Earth observations, advanced satellite based atmospheric sounders and distributed temperature sensing for effective land surface representation in water resource modelling

  • Boegh, Eva (Project coordinator)
  • Dellwik, Ebba (Project participant)
  • Hasager, Charlotte (Project participant)
  • Hahmann, Andrea (Project participant)
  • Rosbjerg, Dan (Project participant)
  • Refslund Nielsen, Joakim (Project participant)
  • Karthikeyan, Matheswaran (Project participant)

Project: Research

Project Details


In order to predict future freshwater availability and the vulnerability of ecosystems and society to floods and droughts, hydrological model tools are needed that are capable of accurately representing climate, land use and land cover at different spatial scales. The purpose of the current project is to develop model tools capable of quantifying the relative effects of site-specific land use change and climate variability at different scales.
Effective start/end date01/02/200901/07/2012

Collaborative partners


  • Danish Research Council for Technology and Production Sciences


  • Satellite data, land use, water resources, distributed temperature sensing, hydrological modelling