Effects-Driven IT Development

  • Simonsen, Jesper (Project manager)
  • Hertzum, Morten (Project manager)
  • Granlien, Maren Sander (Project participant)
  • Barlach, Anders (Project participant)
  • Karasti, Teija Helena (Project working partner)
  • Brandrup, Morten (Project participant)
  • Scheuer, John Damm (Project working partner)
  • Østergaard, Kija Lin (Project working partner)
  • Torkilsheyggi, Arnvør Martinsdóttir á (Project working partner)
  • Gyldenkærne, Christopher (Project participant)
  • Bech, Christine Flagstad (Project participant)

Project: Research

Project Details


Effects-driven IT development attempts to provide a sustained focus on the effects to be achieved by users through their adoption and use of a system. Simply put, the overall idea is to capture the purpose of a system in terms of effects that are both measurable and meaningful to the customer, and to systematically evaluate whether these effects are attained during real use of the system. A sustained focus on effects accentuates that the functionality of a system is merely a means to an end, but it also entails that effects must not only be specified but also evaluated in the course of the development process. That is, effects-driven IT development blurs the distinction between design and organizational implementation – between design and use.
The idea of effects-driven IT development is generally applicable to all large-scale IT projects but will in this project be investigated in the context of healthcare information infrastructures such as Electronic Patient Record (EPR) systems.
The long-term aim of the project is to investigate how the effects of the use of a system could play a prominent role in the contractual definition of IT projects and how contract fulfilment could be determined on the basis of proven utility value and measured effects.
Effective start/end date01/01/200530/06/2023

Collaborative partners

  • Roskilde University (lead)
  • Bispebjerg University Hospital
  • Region Zealand
  • The Capital Region of Denmark
  • University of Copenhagen


  • The project is co-funded by CSC Scandihealth A/S, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, and Region Zealand