COINCO - Corridor of Innovation and Cooperation

  • Jespersen, Per Homann (Project manager)
  • Lundgaard, Jacob (Project manager)
  • Jensen, Anne (Project participant)
  • Leonardsen, Øystein (Anden)
  • Hermannek, Pertti (Project participant)
  • Stroschein, Christoph (Project participant)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


      INTERREG III B Projekt
    The Scandinavian Arena was formed in 2001 as a collaboration between the GO-region (Göteborg-Oslo) and the Øresund Region, in order to develop a sustainable, attractive and competitive region both in a European and global perspective. In the process, it has been realized, that this development also has to include our neighbouring German regions. So in 2005, the Scandinavian Arena together with German partners, initiated a project aimed at developing a strategy towards 2025 for this joint venture. 
    The cities and regions in the corridor Oslo-Göteborg-Malmö-Copenhagen-Berlin have an ambition to become one of the most competitive regions in the World, and at the same time maintain and develop the social and environmental qualities that already makes our part of the World unique.
    The Corridor of Innovation and Cooperation (COINCO) is a response to the Lisbon Strategy of the European Union. Creation of more and better jobs in a globalized economy demands new knowledge infrastructures and intensified innovation.
    National borders must not be a hindrance to this. Every city, every region must find the partners that can support its development goals and give the synergy necessary to take up the challenges of globalisation.
    Cooperation over large distances requires an appropriate infrastructure, both for passengers and freight.
    Cooperation over national borders requires new forms of governance and collaboration structures in order to progress towards common goals. Involvement of business, organizations, knowledge institutions and the citizens is crucial for the success.
    Effective start/end date01/05/200530/06/2007

    Collaborative partners

    • Roskilde University (lead)
    • Københavns Kommune (Project partner)
    • Stroschein Consult (Project partner)
    • Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg (Project partner)


    • Interreg IIIB - Baltic Sea Region