Bioenergy Promotion 2: From strategies to activities

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    The overall objective of the Extension Stage is to implement key final results of the Main Stage Project (called Bioenergy Promotion) via demonstration, testing and transfer activities.
    Bioenergy Promotion 2 will:
    1. Assist demo regions in capacity development, in implementing their bioenergy strategies and in promoting transfer to other regions / municipalities in the BSR.
    2. Establish links to public and private utility companies, in congruency with the above mentioned sub-regional authorities, in order to promote validation and testing of the sustainability principles and criteria developed during the MSP.
    3. Feed main stage project results into political processes on a macro-regional and transnational level within and beyond the BSR (Baltic 21, BASREC, Baltic Development Forum Summits, EU 2020 Strategy and its flagship initiatives on resource efficiency and the innovation union).
    4. Feed main stage project results into the development of operational programmes of the Structural Fund Programmes and into relevant R&D and promotion programmes in the field of renewable energies.
    The Project is divided into four woking packages and Roskilde University (Thomas Budde Christensen) is Work Package Leader of WP 4: Strategy and Programme Development
    Effective start/end date01/03/201201/03/2014