Research output per year
Research output per year
Universitetsvej 1, 26.0
DK-4000 Roskilde
Signe Arnfred
Associate professor, Institute forSociety and Globalization, Roskilde University
Researcher, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala
Places of work Roskilde University, po box 260, DK 4000 Roskilde;
Centre for African Studies, University of Copenhagen, Købmagergade 46,4, 1150 København K
Personal data Born 1944. Married, two daughters
Education Mag. art. in Cultural Sociology, University of Copenhagen 1973.
Studies at London School of Economics 1967.
Studies at Makerere University College 1968.
Languages speaking reading writing
Danish mother tongue
English excellent excellent excellent
Portuguese good good good
French a little fair
German a little fair
Employment record
Sept 2006 - Aug 07 Acting Research Director, the Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala
April - Nov 2006 Member of evaluation team for Nordic Evaluation of UNRISD
Sept 2000 - Aug 06 Research programme coordinator: Sexuality, Gender and Society in Africa, The Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, Sweden
1977 onwards Associate professor (lektor) at Roskilde University,International Development Studies / from 2006: Institute of Society and Globalisation
1991, 1994 Lecturer (courses on social science research methodology) Faculdade de Direito (Law Faculty) Eduardo Mondlane Univeisity, Mozambique
1993 - 1996 Resource person to the Women and Law in Southern Africa research project. Visits to Zimbabwe, Botswana, Zambia, Swaziland, Mozambique
1989-1990 Part-time lecturer at Ilisimatusarfik, the Universty of Greenland, Nuuk, Greenland
1986, 1996, 1998 Short term consultancies for Norad/Danida on gender issues in Mozambique
1981-1984 Full time consultant (Danida) to Organização da Mulher Moçambicana (the National Mozambican Women's Organization) Maputo, Mozambique
1973-1977 Assistant professor (adjunkt) at Roskilde University, Department of Social Science
Periods of field work and archive research
1998 - 2005 Periods of field research in Nampula province, Mozambique
1985 Archive research in OMM and national archives, Maputo, Mozambique.
1981 - 1984 Investigations and data collection in Mozambique, north, south and centre, on behalf of Organização da Mulher Moçambicana (OMM).
1975 - 76 Periods of field research in Portugal
Organization of conferences, PhD courses, workshops and conference panels
Sept 2008 Postcolonial feminist theories and analytical approaches. PhD course, Inst for Society and Globalization, Roskilde University (co-organized with Prof Nina Lykke, the Nordic Research School in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies)
July 2007 Sexuality and Politics in Africa. Panel for second AEGIS European Conference on African Studies, University of Leiden
May 2006 Masculinities in Southern Africa. One-day research forum, Stockholm
May 2006 Postcolonial sexualities: Politics and Discourses. PhD course, Inst for Society and Globalization, RoskildeUniversity (co-organized with Bodil Folke Frederiksen and Lisa Richey, ISG/RUC)
Oct 2005 Sex and Gender in Africa. Critical and Feminist Approaches. Workshop for Nordic Africa Days
July 2005 African feminisms. Extending the boundaries of African Social Science. Panel for first AEGIS European Conference on African Studies, SOAS, London (co-organized with Desiree Lewis, UWC)
Jan 2005 Writing African Women - Poetics and Politics of African Gender Research. Conference, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town (co-organized with Heike Becker and Desiree Lewis, UWC)
Nov 2004 Writing African Women. Panel for African Studies Association Conference, New Orleans (co-organized with Heike Becker UWC)
Oct 2003 Research Activism/Advocacy, Consultancies: Dilemmas and Challenges. Conference, University of Ghana (co-organized with Akosua Adomako Ampofo, University of Ghana)
Oct 2003 Making Sex in Africa. Workshop for Nordic Africa Days
Febr 2003 Images of 'Motherhood' - African and Nordic Perspectives. Conference, Ile de Goree, Dakar (co-organized with Eva Evers-Rosander, Uppsala University)
Oct 2001 Constructions of Male and Female Sexualities in Africa. Workshop for Nordic Africa Days (co-organized with Liv Haram and Bawa Yamba, NAI)
Febr 2001 Contexts of Gender in Africa. Dilemmas and Challenges of Feminist Research. Conference, the Nordic Africa Institute
Dec 1997 Concepts and Metaphors: Ideologies, Narratives and Myths in Development Discourse. PhD course, Roskilde University (co-organized with Henrik Secher Marcussen, RUC)
Nov 1995 Legal Change in North/South Perspective. PhD course, Roskilde Universty (co-organized with Hanne Petersen, KU)
Nov 1994 Methodology and Epistemology in Postcolonial Studies. PhD course, Roskilde University
Initiation and/or supervision/monitoring of research and publication projects in Africa
Sexual Harassment and Gendered Violence in Nigeria. Action research project with reserach teams in six Nigerian universites, run by the Network for Women's Studies in Nigeria (NWSN)
Book on Sexuality in Senegal. Research project run by the Groupe de Recherche sur les Femmes et les Lois au Senegal (GREFELS)
African Perspectives on Gender. Theory, Methodology and Concepts. Compilation of anthology of classical texts by African gender researchers, from the 1970s onwards, including texts in French and Portuguese traslated into English, Main editor: Desiree Lewis, Cape Town
Since 2001 I have been running an e-mail list - the NAI-SexGender list - focused on gender and sexuality research. Roughly 300 gender researchers are members - 140 in Africa, 110 in the Nordic countries, and 50 in Europe/USA
List of publications (selected)
Signe Arnfred og Karen Syberg (ed) 1974: Kvindesituation og Kvindebevægelse under kapitalismen, GMT, Grenå, 413 s
Signe Arnfred 1976: Kvinnor i Portugal, Zenith nr.46, Lund, s 4-31
Signe Arnfred (ed) 1977: Alexandra Kollontaj I + II, Udvalgte Skrifter, Tiderne Skifter, København, 916 s
Signe Arnfred et. al. (ed) 1977: Alexandra Kollontaj III, Alexandra Kollontajs samtid og ideer, Tiderne Skifter, 448 s
Signe Arnfred 1988: Könsidentitet och könskamp i Moçambique, i Kvinnovetenskaplig Tidskrift 2/1988, Stockholm, s 8-22
Signe Arnfred 1988: Women in Mozambique: Gender Struggle and Gender Politics, in Review of African Political Economy, 41/1988, Leeds, p 5-16
Signe Arnfred 1990: Femmes et Modernisation au Mozambique, in Politique Africaine no.38/1990, Paris, p 142-147
Signe Arnfred 1990: Notes on Gender and Modernization. Examples from Mozambique, in A.W.Bentzon (ed): The Language of Development Studies, New Social Science Monographs, Kbh. p 71-107
Signe Arnfred 1991: Lessons from Mozambique, in Agenda, Journal on Women and Gender, 10, Durban, p 45-52
Signe Arnfred 1994: Investigating Gender in the Greenland Process of Modernization, in NORA, Nordic Journal of Women's Studies, no1, vol 2, Oslo, p 12-27
Signe Arnfred (ed) 1995: Issues of Methodology and Epistemology in Post-colonial Studies Occasional Paper no.15, IDS, Roskilde University, 131 p, introduction p 5-14
Signe Arnfred 1996: Rethinking law in a Gender Perspective, in Ann Schlyter (ed): A Place to Live. Gender research on housing in Africa, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala, p 32-46.
Signe Arnfred 1996: Customary Law from Women's Points of View, in Dialogue no.13, KULU, Women and Development, Kbh, p 1-4
Signe Arnfred and Hanne Petersen (eds) 1996: Legal Change in North/South Perspective, Occasional Paper no.18 , IDS, Roskilde University, 265 p, introduction p 1-16
Signe Arnfred and Henrik Secher Marcussen (eds) 1998: Concepts and Metaphors: Ideologies, Narratives and Myths in Development Discourse, Occasional Paper no 19, IDS, Roskilde University, 246 p
Signe Arnfred 2001: Questions of Power: Women's Movements, Feminist Theory and Development Aid, pp 73-87 in Discussing Women's Empowerment, SIDA Studies no 3, SIDA, Stockholm.
Signe Arnfred 2001: Mainstreaming - mod strømmen? p 21-23 in: Kvinner Sammen, 1/2001, Oslo
Signe Arnfred 2001: Om mainstreaming, magt og kønsforskningsns kritiske potentialer p 87 - 91 inKvinder, Køn og Forskning, no 3/2001, Copenhagen
Signe Arnfred 2001: Ancestral Spirits, Land and Food: Gendered Power and Land Tenure in Ribáué, Nampula Province, pp 153-178 in R.Waterhouse and C Vijfhuizen (eds): Strategic Women, Gainful Men. Gender, Land and Natural Resources in different rural contexts in Mozambique. Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo, Mozambique.
Signe Arnfred 2001: Simone de Beauvoir in Africa: Woman = the Second Sex? Issues of African Feminist Thought, in JENdA - A Journal of Culture and African Women's Studies vol 2 no 1
Signe Arnfred 2001: Family forms and Gender Policy in Mozambique 1975 - 1985. Centre d'Etude d'Afrique Noire, Bordeaux, 58 p
Signe Arnfred 2003: African Gender Research: A View from the North, in CODESRIA bulletin no 1, 2003, p 6-9
Signe Arnfred (ed) 2004: Re-thinking Sexualities in Africa, the Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, introduction p 7 - 29
Signe Arnfred 2004: ‘African Sexuality'/Sexuality in Africa. Tales and Silences, in S Arnfred (ed): Re-thinking Sexualities in Africa. Uppsala, the Nordic Africa Institute, p 59 - 76
Signe Arnfred 2004: Book review: F Cleaver (ed): Masculinities Matter!, i Kvinder, Køn og Forskning, vol 13, no 4, 2004 p 78 - 80
Signe Arnfred 2004: Gender Research in Africa: Dilemmas and Challenges as seen by an outsider, in CODESRIA volume on African Gender Scholarship: Concepts, Methodologies and Paradigms, CODESRIA, Dakar, p 82 - 100
Signe Arnfred 2004: Concepts of Gender in Colonial and Post-colonial Discourses: The case of Mozambique, in CODESRIA volume on Gender Activism and Studies in Africa, CODESRIA, Dakar, p 108 - 128
Signe Arnfred 2005: Article to Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures (EWIC) vol III: Family, Body and Sexuality, on Sub-Saharan Africa, p 41 - 44
Signe Arnfred 2005: Tufo Dancing. Muslim Women's Culture in Northern Mozambique, in Revue Lusotopie 2004, p 39 - 67
Signe Arnfred 2005: Oyeronke Oyewumi - en introduktion, in: Kvinnovetenskaplig Tidskrift 4/2005.
Signe Arnfred 2006: Review Essay: UNRISD. Gender Equality - Striving for Justice in an Unequal World, in International Feminist Journal of Politics vol 8, no 3, p 445 - 449
Signe Arnfred 2006: Male Mythologies. An inquiry into assumptions of feminism and anthropology. The case of matriliny, in Studia Africana, número 16, Barcelona, 22 p
Signe Arnfred with Deepak Nayar, Sten Johansen and Tapio Salonen 2006: Too Good to be True?UNRISD 1996 - 2005, Sida Evaluation 06/46, 122 p
Signe Arnfred 2007: Ligestilling, hvad er det? Book review i Kvinder, Køn og Forskning no 1/2007
Signe Arnfred 2007: Sex, Food and Female Power. Discussion of Data material from northern Mozambique, in Sexualities vol 10, 27 p
Signe Arnfred 2007: Postkolonial feministisk kritik. Introduktion, i Dorte Marie Søndergaard (red): Feministiske tænkere. En tekstsamling. Hans Reitzels Forlag, s 207 - 217
Research on issues of gender/sexuality in Africa, on African feminisms and on post-/decolonial feminist thinking.
Research output: Contribution to journal › Contribution to newspaper - Comment/debate
Research output: Contribution to conference › Conference abstract for conference › Research
Research output: Contribution to conference › Conference abstract for conference › Research
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Signe Arnfred (Speaker)
Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Signe Arnfred (Speaker)
Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Signe Arnfred (Speaker)
Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Signe Arnfred (Editor)
Activity: Editorial work and peer review › Peer review of manuscripts › Research
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media