Sebastian Diemer Mørk
  • Universitetsvej 1, 25.3

    DK-4000 Roskilde


Personal profile


In my Ph.D. project I research the artists role in society and society's role for artists. My work finds inspiration in a field analytical apparatus, where craftspeople and designer's social and economic conditions create the conceptual frame. Theoretically the inspiration comes from the French school of art sociology, especially Bourdieu, Heinich, and Lahire. A part of the work revolves around how artistic practice is created and maintained, as well as how these practices can vary depending on social, economic, and gendered conditions.

Empirically the research is divided between text and correspondence analysis. The text analysis builds on natural language processing (NLP) where different models are used to find latent structures in larger text corpuses. Correspondence analysis, and specifically multiple correspondence analysis, is utilised to create a relational understanding of how different fields for craftspeople and designers is constituted.


  • Literature, Art, Music, Aestheticism
  • Economics, Politics

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