Personal profile


I am professor emeritus in global and international development studies, a member of the Global Political Sciology and International Development research groups, and coordinator of the Forum for Africa research. I am also a research fellow at the international research centre on 'Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History' at the Humboldt University in Berlin, the African Social Studies book series, published by Brill, and a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Southern African Studies.

My ongoing research is focused on globalisation in the western Indian Ocean and on transformations in forms of unfree labour from slavery through indenture to contemporary modes of transnational migrant and contract labour. My research is concerned with the cultural and political aspirations of the descendants of slaves and indentured labourers, and aims to understand the impact of religion within Indian Ocean slave trade diasporas.

See my video presentation

Curriculum vitae and list of publications

Curriculum vitae
Born, Hjørring 31 December 1948.
Studentereksamen, Hjørring Gymnasium, 1968
Bifagseksamen, Department of English, University of Aarhus, 1970
Instructor, Department of Comparative Literature, University of Aarhus, 1971-72
Instructor, Department of Comparative Literature, University of Copenhagen, 1972-74
Instructor, Humanistisk Basisuddannelse, Roskilde University, 1974
Deputy lecturer in English Studies: Roskilde University, 1974-76
Member of editorial board, Kurasje 1975-77
Magisterkonferens, Modern and Comparative History of Literature, University of Aarhus 1976
Lecturer in English Studies: Roskilde University, 1976-80
Research grant from Danish Council for Research in the Humanities for studies in London (SOAS and Institute of Commonwealth Studies), February-May 1979
Associate Professor in English Studies, Roskilde University, 1980-89
Member of editorial board, Kultur & klasse 1981-2002
Head of department, Institut VI (Danish, English, French and German Languages and Literatures), Roskilde University, 1981-83
Member of coordinating committee for interdisciplinary course in International Development  Studies, Roskilde University, 1981-5
Member of committee organising British Council-sponsored cooperation and exchange between Roskilde students, Danish trade unionists and British mineworkers, 1981-82
Organiser of study periods for Roskilde students in the Kent, Durham and South Wales coalfields, 1982-85
Member of committee investigating trends of employment for university candidates in the 1980s and 1990s, Ministry of Education, 1982
External examiner in English studies, comparative literature, international studies and African studies at the Universities of Copenhagen, Aarhus, Odense and Aalborg, 1980-ongoing
Guest Researcher, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London, May 1984 and May 1985
Vice-Chairman, Studies Committee for International Development Studies (studienævn), Roskilde University, 1985-6, committee member 1989-1992
Danish coordinator of ERASMUS (from 1996 SOCRATES) network on "African Studies: History and Development Studies" with SOAS, London, Université de Paris VII, Université Catholique de Louvain, Istituto Universitario Orientale, Napoli, and six other European institutions involving student exchanges of students and the organisation of joint study activities, 1985-ongoing
Research Fellow, Center for Research in the Humanities, University of Copenhagen, September 1986-August 1989 with funding from the Danish Council for Research in the Humanities
Research Associate, African Studies Centre, University of Cambridge, June-August 1987
Research Associate, Department of English, University of Zimbabwe, October 1987-October 1988
Organizer of conference on "Culture and Development in Southern Africa" (sponsored by Centre for Research in the Humanities, University of Copenhagen and DANIDA), April 1988
Associate professor in International Development Studies, 1989-ongoing
Coordinator of preparation of Danish network of cooperation around researcher training in development studies, funded by Danish Research Academy, September 1989-May 1990
Chairman of steering committee for Ph. D.-programme in International Development Studies on "Political and Cultural Institutions in Development", Roskilde University, 1990-1993
Organiser of researcher training course on "Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Study of Institutions in Development", Roskilde, September 1990
Organizer of researcher training course on "Institutions, Culture and Change at Local Community Level", sponsored by the Danish Researcher Academy, Sandbjerg, November 1990
Coordinator of Nordic network around researcher training in development studies, funded by the Nordic Academy for Advanced Study (NorFA), 1991-1993
Organiser of researcher training course on "Popular Movements, Political Organization, Democracy and the State in the Third World", Roskilde, January 1991
Organiser of researcher training course on "Development Theory and the State in Third World Societies", sponsored by the Danish Researcher Academy, Hornbækhus, March 1991
Coordinator of DANIDA-sponsored research assistance project  under the ENRECA programme to enhance institutional capacities at Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta, and Department of Political and Administrative Studies, University of Zimbabwe, 1991-1994
Organiser of Nordic researcher training course on "The International Political Economy and the Role of New Economic Institutions", sponsored by NorFA, Oslo, June 1991
Organiser of researcher training course on "The Modernization of Culture and the Development of Political Discourse in the Third World", sponsored by the Danish Researcher Academy, Sandbjerg, December 1991
Fellow Commoner, Churchill College, University of Cambridge, Michaelmas Term 1992
Consultant and contributor on African literature for Danish National Encyclopaedia, 1992-2002
Organiser of Nordic researcher training on "Ethnicity and Nationalism: Historical and Anthropological Approaches", sponsored by NorFA, Sandbjerg, May 1993
Member of Executive Committee, European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI), 1993-1996
Team leader for DANIDA appraisal mission to Tanzania, Malawi, Zimbabwe and Mozambique in preparation for Arte/SADC project of training Southern African culture administrators, May 1994
Organiser of Nordic researcher training course with the theme "From Post-Traditional to Post-Modern? Interpretations of Modernity in Third World Urban Societies", sponsored by NorFA, Sandbjerg, June 1994
Coordinator of DANIDA-sponsored research assistance project  under ENRECA programme to enhance institutional capacities at Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta, and Centre for Basic Research, Kampala, 1995-ongoing (including annual researcher training courses in India from 1995 and in Uganda from 2002)
Grant from HKH Kronprins Frederiks Fond for research in KwaZulu-Natal on "Cultures, communities and ideas of democracy", January-May 1996
Research fellow, programme on "Livelihood, Identity and Organisation in Situations of Instability", Centre for Development Research, Copenhagen, and IDS, Roskilde, with funding from the Danish Council for Development Research, 1996-1999
Member of editorial advisory board, Journal of Southern African Studies, 1997-2017
Evaluated as qualified for full professorship ("professorkompetence") in International Development Studies, 1997-8
Member of Carl Bro International team evaluating the Danish Transitional Assistance Programme to South Africa for DANIDA 1997-1998
Visiting professor, Department of History, University of Natal, Durban, January-March 1996, July 1998-March 1999, and October 2001-December 2002
Organiser of international research seminars on "Popular Culture and Democracy" in Durban, South Africa (November 1998), and Copenhagen (August 1999)
Guest researcher, Centre for Development Research, Copenhagen, July 1999-March 2000
Organiser of conference and researcher training workshop on "Representations of Metropolitan Life in Contemporary Indian Film", with funding from Danish Council for Research in the Humanities, Danida, "Det lange udvalg"), Copenhagen, September 1999
Visiting researcher, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta, January-February 2000
Member of publications committee, Nordic Institute of African Studies, Uppsala, January 2001-ongoing
Senior exchange research fellow, Danish Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studies (DCHGS), Copenhagen, with funding from the Danish Council for Research in the Social Sciences, August 2001-July 2004
Organiser of researcher training course on "Violence, Political Culture and Development in Africa" (co-sponsored by IDS, Roskilde, and DCHGS, Copenhagen), Bornholm, May 2002
Team leader for evaluation of projects for the programme ‘Belgium in a Globalised Society' on behalf of the Belgian Federal Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs, 2002
Visiting scholar, Joint Center for African Studies, University of California, Berkeley-Stanford University, March-May 2003
Organiser of researcher training workshop on "Senses of Right and Wrong: Judicial settlements, truth commissions, international tribunals, and the politics of popular justice in the aftermath of collective violence" in collaboration between IDS, Roskilde, and the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), Copenhagen, December 2003
Member of DANIDA consultancy team preparing culture and development strategy for Danish development assistance to Bangladesh, February-March 2005
Organiser of researcher training workshop on “Religion and Public Moral Debate in Africa” in collaboration with the Centre for African Studies, University of Copenhagen, February 2008
Co-organiser of international conference on ’European Development Aid and NGOs: Changing Notions of Civil Society in ”North” and ”South”’ for CINEFOGO network of excellence, London School of Economics, March 2008
Coordinator of international research network on “The Indian Ocean as Visionary Area: Post-Multiculturalist Approaches to Culture and Globalisation” – – with funding from the Danish Research Council for the Humanities, 2008ff.
Co-organiser of new Centre for International Studies in Citizenship, Democratic Participation and Civil Society – – within the Department of Society and Globalisation, Roskilde University, September 2008ff.
Coordinator of research group project on ‘Transnationalism and Struggles over Citizenship around the Indian Ocean’, November 2008ff.
Co-organiser of conference on “Print Cultures, Nationalisms and Publics of the Indian Ocean”, Johannesburg, January 2009
Co-organiser of international conference on ‘Beyond NGOs: Civil and Uncivil Society in the 21st Century’ for CINEFOGO network of excellence, London School of Economics, February 2009
Coordinator for Forum for Africa Research, Department of Society and Globalisation, Roskilde University, August 2009ff.
Co-organiser of international conference on ‘Connecting Histories across the Indian Ocean: Religion, Politics and Popular Culture’, Goa, November 2009
Co-organiser of international workshop on ‘Religion, Law and Regimes of Control around the Indian Ocean’, Bornholm, September 2010
Deputy chairman, Platform for Stability, Democracy and Rights, Building Stronger Universities in Developing Countries initiative, Universities Denmark, August 2010 - ongoing
Co-organiser (with Abdul Sheriff) of international conference on 'Development, Geopolitics and Cultural Exchange in the Indian Ocean', Zanzibar, May 2011
Professor with special responsibilities in Global Studies and International Development Studies, 2011-2020
Editor (with Jeremy Prestholdt and Katja Werthmann) of monograph African Social Studies Series, Brill, Leiden, November 2011 -ongoing
Member of editorial advisory board, The Australasian Review of African Studies, 2012-ongoing
Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Southern African Studies, 2017-ongoing
Research fellow, re:work - Internationales Geisteswissenshaftliches Kolleg 'Arbeit und Lebenslauf in Globalgeschichtlicher Perpektive', Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, 2017-2018 and March-July 2020
Research fellow, Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS), Feb-May 2019
Member of Management Committee, COST Action on ‘Worlds of Related Coercions in Work’ (WORCK), 2019-ongoing
Research associate, Centre for Research on Slavery and Indenture, University of Mauritius, 2019-ongoing
Professor emeritus, 2020-ongoing
Member of Scientific Advisory Board, Intercontinental Slavery Museum, Port Louis, Mauritius, 2023-ongoing

PhD supervision and assessment

Supervisor for PhD dissertations successfully completed on Uganda by Per Tidemand and Sallie Simba Kayunga, on Zimbabwe by Amanda Hammar, Hristina Vassileva and Norbert Tengende, on Ghana by Paul Stacey, and on Kenya by Philip Lumwamu.
Supervisor for Maseno University PhD project in progress on Kenya by Victoria Awiti (with Fredrick Wanyama and Michael Owiso).
Member of evaluation committees for PhD dissertations successfully completed on Mexico by Maribel Blasco, on Zimbabwe by Lene Bull Christiansen) and on South Africa by Christopher John Hurst and Lubna Nadvi.

Academic publications
1) "Pontoppidans Nattevagt" IN: Poetik, vol. 21, Copenhagen 1974, 18 pp.
2) "George Thomson og antikken" IN: Poetik, vol. 22, Copenhagen 1974, 43 pp.
3) "Defoes Robinson Crusoe og kapitalismens udvikling i England" IN: Poetik, vol. 22, Copenhagen 1974, 59 pp.
4) "Oprørets dialektik. Vestens hårde halse" IN: Bruun Andersen et al. (eds.): Filmanalyser, Copenhagen 1974, 16 pp.
5) Review of A. Sohn-Rethel: Ökonomie und Klassenstruktur des deutschen Faschismus (1973) IN: Historievidenskab, vol. 3/4, Grenå 1975, 8 pp.
6) Kritisk erkendelse og mystifikation i Thomas Manns tidlige forfatterskab, Copenhagen (Dansk Universitetspresse) 1977, 316 pp.
7) "Lukács, Romantic Anti-Capitalism, and the Destruction of Reason", paper, conference on "Dialectiques et sciences humaines: Lukács, Goldmann", conference paper, Cerisy-la-Salle 1979, 11 pp.
8) "Det ydre og det indre hos John Ford", IN: B. Fausing & P. Larsen (eds.): Visuel Kommunikation, vol. 2, Copenhagen 1980, 17 pp.
9) "Agnes Hellers moralske antropologi" IN: Hug no. 29, Copenhagen 1981, 6 pp.
10) "Om brugen af områdestudier og udviklingsstudier i engelsk" IN: Meddelelser fra gymnasieskolernes engelsklærerforening, no. 91, Copenhagen 1981, 12 pp.
11) "Teorier om arbejderklassens kultur" IN: Årbog for arbejderbevægelsens historie, Copenhagen 1981, 9 pp.
12) "Imperialist Ideology and Anti-Capitalist Sentiment in England in the Period of the South African War", conference paper, History Workshop 15, Brighton 1981, 13 pp.
13) "E. P. Thompson, The Poverty of Theory og althusserianismen i England" IN: Kultur & klasse no. 43, Copenhagen 1982, 36 pp.
14) "Lukács, kulturen og muligheden af et andet liv. Fra Søndagskredsen til de flyvende universiteter" IN: Kultur & klasse no. 45, Copenhagen 1982, 17 pp.
15) "Imperialist Ideology, Romantic Anti-Capitalism and J. A. Hobson", seminar paper, African Studies Institute, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 1982, 9 pp.
16) "Aschenbach og Dionysos. Om modsætningernes radikalitet i Thomas Manns Der Tod in Venedig" IN: Höger, Schou & Schulte (eds.): Analyser af tysk litteratur, Copenhagen 1982, 22 pp.
17) "Teorien om de menneskelige behov hos Schanz", review of H.-J. Schanz: Træk af behovsproblematikkens idéhistorie (1981) IN: Kultur & klasse no. 43, Copenhagen 1982, 4 pp.
18) "György Márkus: En kort præsentation" IN: Kurasje no. 30, Copenhagen 1982, 2 pp.
19) Review of W. D. Smith: European Imperialism in the 19th and 20th Centuries (1982) and H. John Field: Toward a Programme of Imperial Life (1982) IN: History Workshop Journal no. 16, London 1983, 4 pp.
20) "Lutheranism and Imperialism in the Novels of Olive Schreiner", conference paper, Religion and Society History Workshop, London 1983, 20 pp.
21) "The Significance of Evolutionism in Olive Schreiner's African Farm" IN: Britta Olinder (ed.): A Sense of Place. Essays in Post-Colonial Literatures, Gothenburg 1984, 6 pp.
22) "Imperialism and New Journalism c. 1900" IN: E. Breitinger & R. Sander (eds.): Studies in Commonwealth Literature, Tübingen 1985, 16 pp.
23) Review of H. Ridley: Images of Imperial Rule (1983) IN: Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, vol. 13, no. 1, London 1984, 2 pp.
24) Imperialism and Romantic Anti-Capitalism: Four Papers on Culture and Ideology c. 1900, Kultur & samfund no. 1,1983, Roskilde 1983, 74 pp. (collection of 7), 15), 20) and 22)).
25) "Anti-imperialisme i Boerkrigstiden" IN: Den jyske historiker, no. 31/32, Aarhus 1985, 15 pp.
26) "Imperialisme og masokisme i Olive Schreiners romaner" IN: Kultur & klasse nr. 50, Kbh. 1985, 15 s.
27) Special issue of Kultur & klasse on "Modernisme og massekultur" (no. 51, Copenhagen 1985) - chief editor.
28) "Strawberry Fields Forever?" IN: Kultur & klasse no. 51, Copenhagen 1985, 3 pp.
29) "Imperialisme som fin-de-siècle modernisme. Engelsk 'new journalism' i 1890erne" IN: Kultur & klasse nr. 51, Copenhagen 1985, 15 p.
30) "Buchan and the Beast: John Buchan, Milner and the Ideological Consequences of the South African War", conference paper, Nordic Institute of African Studies, Uppsala 1985, 30 pp.
31) (with Bodil Folke Frederiksen) "The Transition from Resistance to Establishment Culture in Zimbabwe", paper presented to conference on 'Culture and Consciousness in Southern Africa', University of Manchester, September 1986, 19 pp.
32) Review of Stephen Gray: Douglas Blackburn (1984) IN: Kunapipi, vol. 7, no. 2, Aarhus 1986, 4 pp.
33) "A Muted Feminism" (review of C. Barash: An Olive Schreiner Reader (1987)) IN:Southern African Review of Books, vol. 1, no. 1, London 1987, 2 pp.
34) "The South African War and the Response of the International Socialist Community to Imperialism between 1896 and 1908" IN: F. van Holthoon and M. van der Linden (eds.): Internationalism in the Labour Movement 1830-1940, Leiden 1988, 25 pp.
35) Special issue of Den ny verden  om "Zimbabwe på pragmatisk kurs" (vol. 21, no. 4, Copenhagen 1988) - co-editor.
36) "Stilhed efter stormen. Kultur og politik i Zimbabwe efter uafhængigheden" IN: Den ny verden, vol. 21, no. 4, Copenhagen 1988, 32 pp.
37) "Quiet after the Storm: Continuity and Change in the Political and Cultural Development of Zimbabwe" IN: African Languages and Cultures, vol. 2, no. 2, London 1989, 25 pp.
38) "Nye tidsskrifter og nye muligheder for at følge udviklingen i det sydlige Afrika" IN: Den ny verden, vol. 21, no. 4, Copenhagen 1988, 5 pp.
39) "Music Hall and Leninism: Theatre and Cultural Struggle in Zimbabwe", seminar paper, St. Antony's College, Oxford 1988, 20 pp.
40) "Monument of Empire: Aesthetics, Politics and Social Engineering in the Writings of John Buchan" IN: M. Harbsmeier and M. Trolle Larsen (eds.): The Humanities between Art and Science: Intellectual Developments 1880-1914, Copenhagen 1989, 20 pp.
41) Special issue of Den ny verden on "Kultur og udvikling i det sydlige Afrika" (vol. 22, no. 1, Copenhagen 1989) - chief editor.
42) "Kampen om verdens mening: Krigslitteratur i Rhodesia og Zimbabwe" IN: Den ny verden, vol. 22, no. 1, Copenhagen 1989, 25 pp.
43) "Opbrud fra økonomismen", review article IN: Den ny verden, vol. 22, no. 1, Copenhagen 1989, 4 pp.
44) "Pro-Boers" IN: R. Samuel (ed.): Patriotism: The Making and Unmaking of British National Identity, vol. I: History and Politics, Routledge, London 1989, 20 pp.
45) "Kipling, Imperialism and the Crisis of Victorian Masculinity" IN: R. Samuel (ed.): Patriotism: The Making and Unmaking of British National Identity, vol. III: National Fictions, Routledge, London 1989, 15 pp.
46) "Culture, Democratization and Nation Building in Scandinavia and Africa"  IN: A. Morrison and E. Ngara (eds.): Literature, Language and the Nation: Proceedings of the Second General Conference of the Association of University Teachers of Literature and Language (ATOLL) held at the University of Zimbabwe 24-28 August, 1987, Harare 1989, 15 pp.
47) Review of Olive Schreiner: Letters, Vol. 1: 1871-1899, ed. by Richard Rive, Oxford 1988 IN: Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 15, no. 4, Oxford, October 1989, 5 pp.
48) "Fortiden som slagmark i Rhodesia og Zim¬babwe: Konkurrerende nationalismers kamp om historien fra koloniserin¬gen til idag" IN: J. Würtz Sørensen (ed.): Nationalisme og politisk identitet i den Tredje Verden, Aarhus Universitetsforlag, Aarhus 1989, 19 ss.,
49)"The Past as Battlefield: The Struggle of Competing Nationalisms over History from Colonization to Independence", IN: Culture & History, vol. 6, Copenhagen 1989, 20 pp. Also published in Shula Marks (ed.): The Societies of Southern Africa in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Collected Seminar Papers, vol. 17, London 1991.
50) "Mental Colonisation or Catharsis? Theatre, Democracy and Cultural Struggle from Rhodesia to Zimbabwe" IN: Liz Gunner (ed.): Performance and Popular Culture, special issue of the Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 16, no. 2, Oxford, June 1990, 29 pp. Revised version IN: Liz Gunner (ed.), Politics and Performance: Theatre, Poetry and Song in Southern Africa, Witwatersrand University Press, Johannesburg 1994, 26 pp.
51) "The Development of Culture and the Contradictions of Modernisation in the Third World" IN: The European Journal of Development Research, vol. 2, no. 1, London, June 1990, 20 pp.
52) "The Study of Institutions and the Paradoxical Situation of Contemporary Development Theory" IN: John Martinussen (ed.), Selected Approaches to the Study of Institutions in Development, Occasional Paper no. 1, The PhD programme, International Development Studies, Roskilde 1990, 6 pp.
53) Cultural Struggle and Development in Southern Africa, Harare (Baobab Books), Portsmouth, NH (Heinemann) and London (James Currey) 1991 - editor, 255 pp.
54) "Introduction" IN: Preben Kaarsholm (ed.): Cultural Struggle and Development in Southern Africa, Harare, Portsmouth, NH, and London 1991, 7 pp.
55) "From Decadence to Authenticity and Beyond: Fantasies and Mythologies of War in Rhodesia and Zimbabwe" IN: Preben Kaarsholm (ed.): Cultural Struggles and Development in Southern Africa, Harare, Portsmouth, NH, and London 1991, 30 pp.
56) Institutions, Culture and Change at Local Community Level, Occasional Paper no. 3, The PhD programme, International Development Studies, Roskilde 1992 - editor, 120 pp.
57) Popular Movements, Political Organization and the State in the Third World, Occasional Paper no. 4, The PhD programme, International Development Studies, Roskilde 1992 - editor, 90 pp.
58) The Modernisation of Culture and the Development of Political Discourse, Occasional Paper no. 5, The PhD programme, International Development Studies, Roskilde 1992 - editor, 138 pp.
59) "The Ethnicisation of Politics and the Politicisation of Ethnicity: Culture and Political Development in South Africa" IN: H. Lindholm (ed.): Ethnicity and Nationalism. Formation of Identity and Dynamics of Conflict in the 1990s, Gothenburg 1993, 20 pp. Also IN:  Shula Marks (ed.), The Societies of Southern Africa in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Collected Seminar Papers, vol. 19, London 1994, and IN: B. F. Frederiksen & F. Wilson (eds.): "Ethnicity, Gender and the Subversion of Nationalism", special issue of European Journal of Development Research, vol. 6, no. 2, London, December 1994, 12 pp. - the latter also published in book form by Frank Cass, London.
60) "'Forschungsweise' and 'Darstellungsweise' - Marx on Research Methodology and the Status of Theory" IN: J. Martinussen (ed.), The Theoretical Heritage from Marx and Weber in Development Studies, Occasional Paper no. 10, The PhD programme, International Development Studies, Roskilde 1994, 15 pp.
61) "Le développement de la culture et les contradictions de la modernisation dans le Tiers Monde: le cas du Zimbabwe" IN: Gilbert Rist (ed.), Culture - otage du développement?, L'Harmattan, Paris 1994, 29 pp.
62) Inventions and Boundaries: Historical and Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism, Occasional Paper no. 11, The PhD programme, International Development Studies, Roskilde 1994 - editor (with Jan Hultin), 324 pp.
63) "Si Ye Pambili - Which Way Forward? Urban Development, Culture and Politics in Bulawayo", CSSS Occasional Paper no. 146, Calcutta, November 1994, 43 pp. Also IN: Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 21, no. 2, Oxford, June 1995, 21 pp., and IN: Brian Raftopoulos and Tsuneo Yoshikuni (eds.), Sites of Struggle: Essays in Zimbabwe's Urban History, Weaver Press, Harare 1999, 29 pp.
64) Review of Flora Veit-Wild, Teachers, Preachers, Non-Believers: A Social History of Zimbabwean Literature (London 1992) and Flora Veit-Wild, Dambudzo Marechera: A Source Book on His Life and Work (London 1992) IN: Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 20, no. 2, Oxford, June 1994, 4 pp.
65) From Post-Traditional to Post-Modern? Interpreting the Meaning of Modernity in Third World Urban Societies, Occasional Paper no. 14, The PhD programme, International Development Studies, Roskilde 1995 - editor, 258 pp.
66) "Political and Cultural Institutions in Development:  Perspectives and Problems in Triangular Collaboration around Research Training between India, Africa and Denmark" IN: Erik W. Thulstrup (ed.), Research Training for Development: Proceedings of a Conference on Research Training for Countries with Limited Research Capacity, Roskilde 1996, 8 pp.
67) Review of Daphna Golan, Inventing Shaka: Using History in the Construction of Zulu Nationalism (Boulder and London 1994) IN: Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 22, no. 3, Oxford, September 1996, 2 pp.
68) Review of Timothy D. Sisk, Democratization in South Africa: The Elusive Social Contract (Princeton 1995) IN: European Journal of Development Research, vol. 8, no. 2, London, December 1996, 2 pp.
69) "Instability, Migration and Violence: Notes on a South African Peri-Urban Situation" IN: B. F. Frederiksen & F. Wilson (eds.), Livelihood, Identity and Instability: Papers from an International Workshop, Copenhagen 1997, 21 pp.
70) Review of David Kerr, African Popular Theatre: From Pre-Colonial Times to the Present Day (London and Cape Town 1995) IN: Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 23, no. 1, Oxford, March 1997, 3 pp.
71) "Inventions, Imaginings, Codifications: Authorising Versions of Ndebele Cultural Tradition" IN: Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 23, no. 2, Oxford, June 1997, 16 pp.
72) Review of Mahmood Mamdani, Citizen and Subject: Contemporary Africa and the Legacy of Late Colonialism (Princeton 1996) IN: Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 23, no. 2, Oxford, June 1997, 3 pp.
73) "Gangsta Rap y Pruebas de Virginidad: Cultura Popular en Sudáfrica del Post-Apartheid" IN: Fiona Wilson (ed.), Violencia y Espacio Social: Estudios sobre Conflictos y Recuperación, Lima 1999, 28 pp.
74) "Cultures, Communities and the History of Politics in Southern Africa" IN: Rajeev Bhargava, Amiya Kumar Bagchi and R. Sudarshan (eds.), Multiculturalism, Liberalism and Democracy, Oxford University Press, New Delhi 1999, 15 pp.
75) Review of Karin Barber (ed.), Readings in African Popular Culture (Oxford and Bloomington 1997) IN: Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 25, no. 1, March 1999, 3 pp.
76) "Instability, Migration and Violence: Notes on a South African Peri-Urban Situation" IN: Pradip Kumar Bose and Bodil Folke Frederiksen (eds.), Urban Culture and Democracy: Politics in the City, Enreca Occasional Paper Series no. 1, CSSS, Calcutta 1999,  23 pp.
77) (with Finn Stepputat) "Kun en overgang...: En ny bistandskategori har set dagens lys i 1990erne" IN: Udvikling, no. 1, February-March 1999, 3 pp.
78) Popular Culture and Democracy, special issue of Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 26. no. 2, June 2000 - editor (with Liz Gunner and Deborah James), 204 pp.
79) (with Deborah James) "Popular Culture and Democracy in Some Southern Contexts: An Introduction" IN: Liz Gunner, Deborah James & Preben Kaarsholm (eds.), Popular Culture and Democracy, special issue of Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 26. no. 2, June 2000, 20 pp.
80) (with Deborah James) "Cultura popolare, sviluppo e democrazia: Un'introduzione al debattito", IN: Afriche e oriente, vol. 3, no. 2. 2001, 13 pp.
81) "The Jungle of the City: London and the Imperialist Imagination c. 1900" IN: Martin Zerlang (ed.), Representing London, Spring Publishers, Copenhagen 2001, 15 pp.
82) Generation, Violence and Cultural Styles: The Micro-Politics of a KwaZulu-Natal Slum Settlement, DCHF Report no. 4, 2001, 43 pp.
83) "Instability, Culture and the Relevance of Development Studies and Theory", paper presented to researcher training workshop on "Rethinking Development Theory", University of Gothenburg, 31 January -2 February 2001, 8 pp.
84) Review of Barbara Oomen, Tradition on the Move: Chiefs, Democracy and Change in Rural South Africa (Amsterdam 2000) IN: European Journal of Development Research, vol. 14, no. 1, 2002, 2 pp.
85) "La micropolitica di uno slum del Kwazulu-Natal" IN: Maria Cristina Ercolessi (ed.), I signori della guerra: Stati e micropolitica dei conflitti, Fondazione Feltrinelli/L'ancora del Mediterraneo, Naples 2002, 28 pp.
86) City Flicks: Indian Cinema and the Urban Experience, Seagull Books, Calcutta 2004 - editor, 274 pp. Second international edition published by Seagull Books/Berg Publishers, London 2006.
87) "Unreal City: Cinematic Representation, Globalisation and the Ambiguities of Metropolitan Life" IN: Preben Kaarsholm (ed.), City Flicks: Indian Cinema and the Urban Experience, Seagull Books, Calcutta 2004, 18 pp.
88) "Ikke mer' palaver. Forfattere, offentlighed og magthavere I Zimbabwe", IN: Frederik Stjernfelt, Frederik Tygstrup and Martin Zerlang (eds), Fejder, Museum Tusculanum, Copenhagen 2004, 15 p.
89) "Coming to Terms with Violence: Literature and the Development of a Public Sphere in Zimbabwe", IN: Robert Muponde and Ranka Primorac (eds.), Versions of Zimbabwe: Literature, History and Politics, Weaver Press, Harare 2005, 28 pp.
90) "Moral Panic and Cultural Mobilisation: Responses to Transition, Crime and HIV/AIDS in KwaZulu-Natal", 25 pp., IN: Development and Change, vol. 36, no. 1, January 2005.
91) "Memoirs of a Dutiful Revolutionary: Fay Chung and the Legacies of the Zimbabwean Liberation War", IN: Fay Chung, Reliving the Second Chimurenga: Memoirs of Zimbabwe's Liberation Struggle, forthcoming Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, and Weaver Press, Harare 2005, 20 pp.
92) Violence, Political Culture and Development in Africa, James Currey, Oxford 2006 - editor, 250 pp.
93) "Introduction: States of Failure or Societies in Collapse? Dynamics of Violent Conflict in Africa", IN: Preben Kaarsholm (ed.), Violence, Political Culture and Development in Africa, James Currey, Oxford 2006, 20 pp.
94) "Violence as Signifier: Politics and Generational Struggle in KwaZulu-Natal", IN: Preben Kaarsholm (ed.), Violence, Political Culture and Development in Africa, James Currey, Oxford 2006, 25 pp.
95) (with Isabel Hofmeyr) "Popular Cultural Materials and Public Spheres: Perspectives from Africa, India and Europe", IN: Current Writing, vol. 18, no. 2, October 2006, 13 pp.
96) "Culture as Cure: Civil Society and Moral Debates in KwaZulu-Natal after Apartheid", IN: Current Writing, vol. 18, no. 2, October 2006, 15 pp.
97) Recensióne di A. Triulzi and M. C. Ercolessi (eds), State, Power and New Political Actors in Postcolonial Africa (Milano, Feltrinelli 2004), IN: Afriche e Orienti. Rivista di studi ai confini tra african, mediterraneo e medio oriente, vol. 8, no. 1-2, July 2006, 2 pp.
98) "Demokratieksport - udviklingsstøtte eller neokolonialisme?", IN: Kvan. Tidsskrift for læreruddannelse og skole, no. 77, March 2007, 7 pp.
99) Review of Andrew Thompson, The Empire Strikes Back? The Impact of Imperialism on Britain from the Mid-Nineteenth Century (Harlow 2005) IN: Journal of Global History, vol. 2, no. 2, 2007, 2 pp.
100) Review of John Laband (ed.) Daily Lives of Civilians in Wartime Africa (Westport, CT, 2007), IN: African Studies Review, vol. 50, no. 2, 2007, 2 pp.
101) "Population Movements, Islam and the Interaction of Indian and African Identity Strategies in South Africa during and after Apartheid", IN: The Journal of Natal and Zulu History, vols. 24-25, 2007, 26 pp.
102) "Migration, Islam and Identity Strategies in KwaZulu-Natal: Notes on the Making of Indians and Africans", IN: Occasional Paper No. 13, Institute of Development Studies, Kolkata, April 2008, 34 pp.
103) "New Writings on Islam and Muslim Politics in South Africa", IN: Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 38, no.4, 2008, 5 pp.
104) “Public Spheres, Hidden Politics and Struggles over Space: Defining the Boundaries of Public Engagement in Post-Apartheid South Africa”, IN: Social Dynamics, vol. 35, no. 2, 2009, 11 pp.
105) The Popular and the Public: Cultural Debates and Struggles over Public Space in Modern India, Africa and Europe, Seagull Books, Kolkata, and Chicago University Press 2009 – editor (with Isabel Hofmeyr), 286 pp.
106) “Agnes Heller as Autobiographer: History and a Myriad of Contexts”, IN: Katie Terezakis (ed.), Engaging Agnes Heller: A Critical Companion, Lexington Books, Lanham MD, 2009, 7 pp.
107) "How African is Africa? Patrick Chabal and the Limits of Area Studies", Critical African Studies, vol. 2, 2009, 4 pp.
108) “Transnational Spaces, Islam, and the Interaction of Indian and African Identity Strategies in South Africa during and after Apartheid”, IN: Pamila Gupta, Isabel Hofmeyr and Michael Pearson (eds), Eyes across the Water: Navigating the Indian Ocean, UNISA Press, Pretoria, 2010, 18 pp.
109) Review of The Politics of War and the Culture of Violence: North-South essays by Ali A. Mazrui, edited by Seifudein Adem and Abdul S. Bemath (Trenton NJ and Asmara: Africa World Press, 2008), African Affairs, vol. 109, no. 435, April 2010, 2 pp.
110) “Transnational Islam and Public Sphere Dynamics in KwaZulu-Natal: Rethinking South Africa’s Place in the Indian Ocean World“, special issue on ‘Print Cultures, Nationalism and Publics of the Indian Ocean’, edited by Isabel Hofmeyr and Preben Kaarsholm, Africa. The Journal of the International African Institute, vol. 81, no.1, 2011, 23 pp.
111) (with Isabel Hofmeyr and Bodil Folke Frederiksen) “Print Cultures, Nationalisms and Publics of the Indian Ocean”, special issue on ‘Print Cultures, Nationalism and Publics of the Indian Ocean’, edited by Isabel Hofmeyr and Preben Kaarsholm  Africa. The Journal of the International African Institute, vol. 81, no. 1, 2011, 22 pp.
112) (with Abdul Sheriff) "Introduction", special issue of Social Dynamics on 'Mobility, diasporas and transnational imaginings in the Indian Ocean', edited by Preben Kaarsholm, vol, 38, no. 3, 2012, 4 pp.
113) "Diaspora or Transnational Citizens? Indian Ocean Networks and Changing Multiculturalisms in South Africa", special issue of Social Dynamics on 'Mobility, diasporas and transnational imaginings in the Indian Ocean', edited by Preben Kaarsholm, vol. 38, no. 3, 2012, 13 pp.
114) Review of Marginal Centres: Writing Life Histories in the Indian Ocean World, edited by Clare Anderson (special issue of the Journal of Social History, 2011), special issue of Social Dynamics on 'Mobility, diasporas and transnational imaginings in the Indian Ocean' edited by Preben Kaarsholm, vol. 38, no. 3, 2012, 5 pp.
115) Review of Radio in Africa: Publics, Cultures, Communities, edited by Liz Gunner, Dina Ligaga, and Dumisano Moyo (Johannesburg: Wits University Press, 2011), African Affairs, vol. 112, no. 446, 2013, 3 pp.
116) "Africa Globalized? Multipolarity and the Paradoxes of Time-Space Compression", IN: Ulf Engel and Manuel Ramos (eds), African Dynamics in a Multipolar World, Leiden: Brill, 2013 (Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies, vol. 11), 10 pp.
117) Review of Felicitas Becker, Becoming Muslim in Mainland Tanzania, 1890-2000. Oxford: Oxford University Press for the British Academy, 2008, IN: Africa: The Journal of the International African Society, vol. 83,no. 4, 2013, 3 pp.
118) 'Zanzibaris or Amakhuwa?: Sufi Networks in South Africa, Mozambique and the Indian Ocean',  Journal of African History,vol. 55, no. 2, July 2014, 14 pp..
119) (with Fredrick Wanyama, Jørgen Elklit and Bodil Folke Frederiksen) 'Ethnicity and/or Issues: The 2013 General Elections in Western Kenya', IN: Journal of African Elections, 2014, 37 pp.
121) Review of Melancholia of Freedom: Social Life in an Indian Township in South Africa. By Thomas Blom Hansen. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2012, and Chatsworth: The Making of a South African Township. Edited by Ashwin Desai and Goolam Vahed. Scottsville: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, 2013, IN: South African Historical Journal, vol. 67, no. 3, 2015, 5 pp.
122) "Indian Ocean Networks and the Transmutations of Servitude: The Protector of Indian Immigrants and the Administration of Freed Slaves and Indentured Labourers in Durban in the 1870s", IN: Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 42, no. 3, 2016 (special issue on 'Durban and Cape Town as Indian Ocean Port Cities'), 20 pp.
123) (with Isabel Hofmeyr and Uma Dhupelia-Mesthrie) “Durban and Cape Town as Port Cities: Reconsidering Southern African Studies from the Indian Ocean”, IN: Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 42, no. 3, 2016 (special issue on 'Durban and Cape Town as Indian Ocean Port Cities'), 14 pp.
124) “From apartheid to the 'Rainbow Nation': Changing multiculturalisms in South Africa, 1994-2014”, IN: Arrigo Pallotti and Ulf Engel (eds), South Africa after Apartheid : Policies and Challenges of the Democratic Transition, Leiden: Brill, 2016, 15 pp.
125) (editor with Manuel Ramos and Iain Walker) Fluid Networks and Hegemonich Powers in the Western Indian Ocean, Lisbon: Centro de Estudos Internacionais do Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, 2017, e-book, 195 pp.
126) (with Manuel Ramos and Iain Walker) 'Introduction', IN: Fluid Networks and Hegemonich Powers in the Western Indian Ocean, Lisbon: Centro de Estudos Internacionais do Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, 2017, 8 pp.
127) Review of Erin Stiles and Katrina Daly Thompson (eds), Gendered Lives in the Western Indian Ocean: Islam, Marriage and Sexuality on the Swahili Coast (Athens, OH, 2015), IN: Africa: The Journal of the International African Institute, vol. 87, no. 3, 2017, 2 pp.
128) (with Bodil Folke Frederiksen) 'Amaoti and Pumwani: Studying urban informality in
South Africa and Kenya', African Studies, 78(1), 2019, 23 pp.
129) 'Aspiration, exclusion and belonging in South Africa and Kenya', African Studies, 78(1), 2019, 5 pp.
130) Review of Goolam Vahed and Surendra Bhana, Crossing Time and Space in the Indian Ocean: Early Indian Traders in Natal - A Biographical Study (2015), Journal of African History, vol. 59, no. 3, 2019, 3 pp.
131) Review of Alessandro Stanziani. Labor on the Fringes of Empire: Voice, Exit and the Law (2018), American Historical Review, vol. 124, no. 3, 2019, 2 pp.
132) ‘Indian Ocean Networks and the Transmutations of Servitude: The Protector of Indian Immigrants and the Adminstration of Freed Slaves and Indentured Labourers in Durban in the 1870s’, in Edward A. Alpers, Stéphan Karghoo and Vijayalakshmi Teelock (eds), History, Memory and Identity: Comparative Perspectives, Volume Two (Réduit: University of Mauritius Press), 2019, 20 pp.
133) 'From abolition of the slave trade to protection of immigrants: Danish colonialism, German missionaries, and the development of ideas of humanitarian governance from the early eighteenth to the nineteenth century', Atlantic Studies, vol. 17. no. 3 (special issue on ‘Comparative Abolition’), 2020, 26 pp.
134) ‘Marx, globalization and the reserve army of labour’, IN: Brigitta Bernet, Lutz Raphael and Benjamin Zachariah (eds), What’s left of Marxism? Historiography and the Possibilities of Thinking with Marxian Themes and Concepts (Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg), 2020, 15 pp.
135) 'Why do the descendants of Makua slaves and liberated Africans remember history differently? The case of the Durban Zanzibaris', IN: Aapravasi Ghat Trust Magazine 2020 (Port Louis; Aapravasi Ghat Trust Fund), 2020, 5 pp.
136) 'The Slavery Museum as community anchor, eye-opener, and thought-provoker', IN: Vijaya Teelock et al. (eds.), A Slavery Museum for Mauritius: Issues and Challenges / Un musée de l’esclavage pour Maurice: les enjeux et les défis (Réduit: University of Mauritius), 2020, 8 pp.
137) Review of Gwyn Campbell, Africa and the Indian Ocean World from Early Times to Circa 1900. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2020), H-Soz-Kult, 15 June 2020, 2 pp.
138) 'Scares and possibilities: The COVID-19 emergency, the disruption of globalisation, and the re-invention of the welfare state', IN: Andreas Eckert and Felicitas Hentschke (eds), Corona and Work around the Globe (Berlin and Boston; De Gruyter Oldenbourg), 2021, 9 pp.
139) Review of Wilson Chacko Jacob, For God or Empire. Sayyid Fadl and the Indian Ocean World. Stanford: Stanford University Press (2019), Connections. A Journal for Historians and Area Specialists, 1 May 2021, 2 pp.
140) 'Coming out of slavery and indenture: The 150th anniversary celebrations in 2023 of the arrival in Durban of the Zanzibari Amakhuwa', IN: Aapravasi Ghat Trust Magazine 2024 (Port Louis; Aapravasi Ghat Trust Fund), 2024, 5 pp.


Consultancy reports
(with Carlos Jorge Silia and Niels Halm), "Appraisal Report on Project to Establish a SADC-DANIDA Centre for Training in Culture Administration", DANIDA, Copenhagen, May 1994.
(with Karen Helveg Petersen a. o.), "Evaluation Report on Danish Transitional Assistance to South Africa", DANIDA, Copenhagen 1998.
(with Morten Gøbel Poulsen a. o.), "Danida Culture and Development Strategy for Bangladesh
2005-2009", DANIDA, Copenhagen 2006.

Encyclopaedia entries
Entries authored in Den Store Danske Encyklopædi (Gyldendal, Copenhagen 1994ff.)
Abrahams, Peter
Afrika: Litteratur (with Bodil Folke Frederiksen)
Brink, André (supplement)
Chinodya, Shimmer
Coetzee, J. M.
Couto, Mia
Dangarembga, Tsitsi
Dikobe, Modikwe
Diop, Cheik Anta
Dongala, Emmanuel
Farah, Nuruddin
Fugard, Athol
Gordimer, Nadine
Gurnah, Abdulrazak
Head, Bessie
van Heerden, Etienne
Hove, Chenjerai
Kourouma, Ahmadou
Kunene, Mazisi
La Guma, Alex
Lessing, Doris
Lopes, Henri
Mapanje, Jack
Marechera, Dambudzo
Mattera, Don
Mhlanga, Cont
Mphalehle, Es'kia
Mungoshi, Charles
Ouologuem, Yambo
Paton, Alan
Plaatje, Sol
van der Post, Laurens
Schreiner, Olive
Sembène, Ousmane
Sepamla, Sipho
Serote, Mongane Wally
Smith, Pauline
Smith, Wilbur
Sydafrika: Litteratur
Themba, Can
Vera, Yvonne
Wicomb, Zoë
Zimbabwe: Litterature

Other publications
Since 1981, I have contributed more than a hundred-and-fifty book reviews, interviews and presentations of British, North American and Third World (mostly African) literature, culture and society to daily newspapers, in particular, Dagbladet Information. I have also helped produce and contributed to radio programmes on Southern Africa. Publications related to research and popularisation of academic work include the following:
I) (Pseudonym "Ypsilon") "Hundene i Yeoville" (essay on visits to South African cities, townships and forced removal areas), Information, 13 December 1982.
II) "Kolonialismens sjælehistorie" (on J. M. Coetzee), Information, 23 March 1983.
III) "Kafka i den store Karoo - Den sydafrikanske forfatter J. M. Coetzee får årets Booker McConnelll-pris", Information, 14 November 1983.
IV) "Toget fra Dube" (translation of short story by Can Themba), Information, 8-9 June 1985.
V) "Dinglende bølger soldaten op og ned i takt med Afrikas åndedræt" (on contemporary South African fiction), Information, 7 November 1986.
VI) "Fortællingen er en kakerlak" (on J. M. Coetzee's Foe), Information, 30 December 1987.
VII) "Music hall og leninisme", 60 minute radio feature on culture and politics in Zimbabwe, Danmarks Radio, channel one, 29 April 1988, broadcast again on 12 May 1988.
VIII) "Manden de elskede at hade - En mindemontage om Zimbabwes anarkistiske digter Dambudzo Marechera, der døde i august 1982", Information, 13 May 1988.
IX) "Skriften på væggen - Stærke essays om litteratur og politik - og nyoptryk af fotografier fra Sydafrika i 1950erne", Information, 13 January 1989.
X) (with Stanley Nyamfukudza) "Revolution i Zimbabwe - Der går et spøgelse gennem Afrika - demokratiets spøgelse", Information, 20 January 1989.
XI) "En kætters forsvar mod afbrænding af bøger - Hvordan den sydafrikanske regering, Rajiv Gandhi, anti-apartheid-aktivister, rettroende muslimer og dele af venstrefløjen i det britiske Arbejderparti fandt sammen om at afsky en moderne forfatter" (on the Salman Rushdie debate), Information, 27 January 1989.
XII) "Fanget mellem engle og djævle - Drømmeroman af Salman Rushdie skildrer smerten, absurditeten og latteren i sammenstødet mellem en ny og en gammel verden" (review of The Satanic Verses), Information, 27 January 1989,
XIII) "Kulturrelativister på glatis" (on the Salman Rushdie debate), Information, 10 March 1989.
XIV) "Jeg er her for at udvikle mig selv" (interview with Lars Bonnevie in Botswana), Information, 17 March 1989.
XV) "Dogmatiske soldater i en vrimmel af sekter - Forfatteren Emmanuel Dongala fortæller om litteratur og politik i Congo", Information, 7 April 1989.
XVI) "Midlertidigt ophold i forvirringen" (review of Seamus Heaney's The Government of the Tongue), Information, 26 May 1989.
XVII) "Poesi og fangenskab" (interview with Seamus Heaney), Information, 26 May 1989.
XVIII) "Diskussion kræver karate - Zimbabweansk dramatiker fortæller om kampen for selvrespekt og ørenlyd i et socialistisk udviklingsland" (interview with Cont Mhlanga), Information, 22 September 1989.
XIX) "Fotografier set indefra" (on Nadine Gordimer and Albie Sachs), Information, 11 January 1991.
XX) "Kættere med svedne vinger - Salman Rushdie bliver som barn på ny, og V. S. Naipaul genser Indien med varme og blanke øjne" (review of Haroun and the Sea of Stories and India: A Million Mutinies Now), Information 18 January 1991.
XXI) "Den skrækkelige nats by?" (on the history of Calcutta), Information, 8 February 1991.
XXII) "Ubegravede knogler" (on Chenjerai Hove and Bones), Information, 11 September 1991.
XXIII) "Pædagogik og præcision" (on the Nobel Prize for Nadine Gordimer) IN: Thomas Thurah (ed.), Revue: Verdenslitteraturen 1991, Copenhagen 1991.
XXIV) "Græsset græder" (on Tsitsi Dangerembga, cultural tradition and gender in Zimbabwe), Information, 29 May 1992.
XXV) "Landscapes, Heads, Boerewors Battlefields", catalogue for exhibition of Doris Bloom paintings Bioluminescence, Gl. Holtegaard, 1994.
XXVI) "Opfindelsen af Afrika. Om historiens gang i opfattelsen af det afrikanske fra Dronningen af Saba til folkedrabet i Rwanda", lead article for 2-page African literature feature, Information, 19 August 1994.
XXVII) "Naipauls Trinidad" (review of Danish translation of V. S. Naipaul, A Way in the World), Information, 27 April 1995.
XXVIII) "Forfattere og terrorister" (review of Danish translation of J. M. Coetzee, The Master of Petersburg), Information, 2 May 1995.
XXIX) "Hieronymus Brink. Groteske historier om indavl, gengangere og den mandlige frelse" (review of André Brink, Devil's Valley), Information, 26 October 1999.
XXX) "De rettroende genbesøgt. V. S. Naipaul lader endnu engang sit hvasse blik revse islam" (review of Danish translation of V. S. Naipaul, Beyond Belief), Information, 28 October 1999.
XXXI) "Verdens ende. Roman om en mand ved sin yderste grænse" (review of J. M. Coetzee, Disgrace), Information, 11 April 2000.
XXXII) "Forsoning eller retfærdighed? Religionen præger det politiske udsyn i biskop Tutus bog om den sydafrikanske sandhedskommission" (review of D. Tutu, No Future without Forgiveness), Information, 10 August 2000.
XXXIII) "P-kælderens ædle vilde" (review of J. M. G Le Clézio, Guldfisk), Information,12 January 2001.
XXXIV) "Skygger i junglen" (review of L. Miermont, Våben fra himlen), Information16 May 2001.
XXXV) "Stort format med løse ender" (review of A. Ghosh, Glaspaladset), Information, 2 August 2001.
XXXVI) "Trommedans bag ligusterhækken" (review of M. P. Somé, Afrikas helbredende visdom), Information, 2 August 2001.
XXXVII) "Sortsyn belønnet" (leading article on the Nobel Prize in literature for Naipaul), Information, 12 October 2001.
XXXVIII) "Glemslens politik" (review of A. Hochschild, Kong Leopolds arv), Information, 19 October 2001.
XXXIX) "Fra rædsel til håbløshed" (review of P. Tygesen, Congo - formoder jeg), Information, 12 November 2001.
XL) "Tape fra en halv mand" (review of V. S. Naipaul, Et halvt liv), Information, 5 December 2001.
XLI) "Storbyens fortrængninger. Roman om Calcutta som tale og tavshed" (on A. Ghosh's Skyggelinjer), Information, 28 August 2002.
XLII) "Den sidste yahi. Fra folkedrab til museumsudstilling" (on Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology, UC Berkeley), Information, 31 July 2003.
XLIII) "Den sorte hvide mand. Genopgravede fortællinger fra ‘mørkets hjerte'" (on Pagan Kennedy, Sorte Livingstone), Information, 5 August 2003.
XLIV) "Nostalgi og befrielse. Naipaul på toppen - i roman fra 1961" (on V. S. Naipaul, Et hus til Mr. Biswas), Information, 6 November 2003.
XLV) "Blandt delfiner, tigre og hjemløse. Mangroverne besjæles i ny Amitav Ghosh-roman" (on Amitav Ghosh, Tidevandslandet), Information,  10 November 2004.
XLVI) "Begær på krykker: J. M. Coetzees nye roman Slow Man gør sig fri af det sydafrikanske", Information, 18 November 2005.
XLVII) "Fra Marx til Shakespeare. Den ungarske filosof Agnes Heller, som i dag får Sonning-prisen, ser næppe 68-oprøret som et nederlag. Men resultaterne var andre end, man havde ventet", Information, 19 April 2006.
XLVIII) "Sortsyn. Afrika aer det tabte kontinent. Eller er det?", Politiken, 15 October 2006.
XLIX) "Mørkemand eller spøgefugl? I et bryllupstelt i Calcutta fortæller den italienske filosof Giorgio Agamben om fædre, sønner og magt i Vesten. Det handler ikke om kritik af magten, men om at vise, hvordan magten udøves; hvordan maskinen virker...", Information, 27-8 January 2007.
XLVIII) "Sortsyn. Afrika er det tabte kontinent. Eller er det?", Politiken, 15 October 2006.
XLIX) "Mørkemand eller spøgefugl? I et bryllupstelt i Calcutta fortæller den italienske filosof Giorgio Agamben om fædre, sønner og magt i Vesten. Det handler ikke om kritik af magten, men om at vise, hvordan magten udøves; hvordan maskinen virker...", Information, 27-8 January 2007.
L) "Er Zuma folkets mand? : Verden venter spændt på, hvad Zuma har i posen som formand for ANC….", Information, 22-23 December 2007
LI) ”Det bedst tænkelige dementi af en forfatters død: I det seneste bind af J. M. Coetzees ’selvbiografi’ balancerer sortsyn og komik”, Information, 24 September 2009.
LII) "En våbensmugler græder ud. Dokumentarfilmen ’Våbensmuglingen’ vil vise sandheden om mennesket bag våbensmugleren Niels Holck, men filmens blanding af fiktion og dokumentar bliver i stedet til et sentimentalt og vildledende partsindlæg", Information, 5 June 2014.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
  • SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

External positions

Research fellow, IGK Arbeit und Lebenslauf in globalbeschichtlicher Perspektive, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

1 Sept 201731 Aug 2022


  • History, Society
  • Colonial history
  • Indian Ocean studies
  • Industrial development, Development economics and planning, Developing countries
  • Development and globalisation theory theory
  • Cultural encounters, Multi-culturalism
  • Popular culture and local politics
  • Gender studies, Ethnicity, Equal rights
  • Ethnicity, gender and generation
  • Literature, Art, Music, Aestheticism
  • Indian cinema

Publication network

Recent external collaboration on country/territory level. Dive into details by clicking on the dots or