Personal profile


Professor Jan Mattsson has the chair in business administration at Roskilde university since May 1996. He has held several professorships and visiting professorships in New Zealand, Australia and Scandinavia. He received a Doctorate (Dr. Econ.) in Business Administration at Gothenburg University, Sweden, in 1982 and was promoted there to Associate Professor in 1985. Professor Mattsson is currently active in services marketing, service innovation and international marketing research. He has authored more than a hundred scholarly publications, some of which are posted on this site. He serves on many editorial boards of international journals in marketing and services and was Head of the PhD program: Business and Management at Roskilde university during the period 2008-2010. He takes part in, and directs,  international research projects funded by national research councils, such as the Swedish Research Council, and is a member of the Research Group: Management and Organisation.

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