Personal profile



  • Discourse Analysis and European Union Politics
  • Decision-making in the EU
  • The role of Emotions in Politics
  • Visual discourse in EU politics
  • Symbols and Myths in European Integration
  • Research Design in EU studies
  • Europeanisation and Globalisation
  • Arctic Governance

Kennet Lynggaard has published among others in Journal of European Public Policy, Journal of Common Market Studies, West European Politics, Regulation & Governance, New Political Economy, Policy & Polics, Comparative European Politics, Journal of European Integration, Political Psychology and Sociologia Ruralis.

see also:

Together with Michael Kluth and Mads Dagnis Jensen, I recently working on a book project with the title: Understanding Governments Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic in Europe: Navigating the Perfect Storm. This book project is contracted with Palgrave-MacMillan and compare governments responses to Covid-19 in 30 European countries and involve contributions from 45 scholars from across Europe.

Ian Manners and I were successful in getting a 3-year research project into 'Symbols and Myths in European Integration' funded by the Danish Research Council for Social Science. This project ran from mid-2013 to 2016.

I recieved - with Michael Kluth - funding among others from the Greenlandic Self-government for a research project on 'The Battle of Greenland in the Arctic Council'. This project ran from midt-2013 to end-2014.

I'm was the co-editor of the peer-reviewed book series: Studies in European Cooperation (DJØF Publishing) between 2014-2019.


Educational Background

2004: PhD in Political Science with the dissertation: ‘The Common Agriculture Policy and The Dynamics of Institutional Change: Illustrations from Organic Farming in the European Union' at University of Southern Denmark. 

2001: Visiting PhD-student at Department for Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick, UK.

2000: Enrolled as PhD-student at Department of Political Science and Public Management, University of Southern Denmark. 

1997: Masters degree in Public Administration with the speciality: ‘Environmental Policy Making in the European Union - a study of the development of a European air pollution policy' at University of Aalborg, Denmark. 

1996: Finalised specialisation in International Relations with the project: ‘Prospects for Democratisation in Indonesia' at University of Aalborg, Denmark.' 

1995: International student at Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga, Indonesia. 1994: Bachelor's degree in Social Science and Public Administration, University of Aalborg, Denmark.



2013-: Associate Professor at Department of Social Science, Roskilde University, Denmark.

2012-2013: Associate Professor at Department of Social Science, University of Greenland (Ilisimatusarfik) (1.7.12-1.8.13).

2010-2012: Director of EU-studies, Department of Society and Globalisation, Roskilde University, Denmark (1.2.10-1.7.12).

2007-2012: Associate Professor at Department of Social Science, Roskilde University, Denmark (on leave from 1.7.12-1.8.13).

2004-2007: Assistant Professor at Department of Social Science, Roskilde University, Denmark.

2003-2004: Teaching Lecturer at Roskilde University, Denmark.

2003: Research Assistant at Department of Political Science and Public Management, University of Southern Denmark.

2000-2003: PhD-student at Department of Political Science and Public Management, University of Southern Denmark.

1999-2000: Research Assistant at Institute for Policy Analysis, University of Southern Denmark.

1998-1999: Teaching Lecturer at Roskilde University, Denmark.


  • Public administration
  • Europeanisation and Globalisation
  • New-institutionalism and Institutional Change
  • The study of Ideas and Discourse Analysis
  • Policy-analysis
  • Decision-making in the European Union
  • The Common Agricultural Policy
  • Environmental Policy in the European Union
  • Political emotions

Publication network

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