Keld Helsgaun
  • Universitetsvej 1, 10.1

    DK-4000 Roskilde


Personal profile


I am associate professor emeritus in computer science. My research interests include artificial intelligence and combinatorial optimization. In recent years, I have been working to improve and expand the algorithm I have developed to solve the central operational analytics problem called “The Traveling Salesman Problem” (TSP). My research is described on my website:

I am currently participating in a research team of leading researchers in heuristic solution of TSP and mathematical solution of optimization problems. The project examines the scalability of our algorithms on very large TSP instances. As cases, instances consisting of the stars in our galaxy have been selected (data are 3D coordinates provided by the European Space Agency's GAIA mission). The largest of the selected instances consists of 1.3 billion stars.

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