Personal profile




 Short CV


John Andersens research is focussed on poverty research, citizens partication, planning studies and in particular empowerment strategies in urban regeneration.

His preferred methodology is case studies and empowermentevaluation.

He participated for Roskilde University in the framework program Urban Redevelopment and Social Polarisation in the City (URSPIC) and in EU framework Coordinated Action project KATARSIS  " Social innovation in the knowledge society"  He has also worked for the EU Commission, DG.V under the Third  European Poverty Programme (Poverty 3) 1991-1994.

 His publications includes Andersen, J. and Pløger. J. 2007. ‘The Dualism of Urban Governance in Denmark', European Planning Studies 15:10, Andersen, J and  Siim, B 2004. (eds.): Politics of inclusion and empowerment. Palgrave and Andersen J. 2003. ‘Gambling Politics or Successful Entrepeneurialism?, The Orestad in Copenhagen', in Moulaert, Swingedouw and Rodriquez (eds.) The Globalized City: Economic Restructuring and Social Polarization in European Cities, Oxford: Oxford University Press.





RUC undervisning:

1. Undervisning og vejledning på kombinationsfaget Plan, By og Proces.

Særlige interesser: udsatte by- og landområder, Lynetteholmen og empowermentbaserede planstrategier, f.eks advocacy planlægning.

2.By og Plan, Sundhedsfremme, Master i Socialt Entreprenørskab, Socialvidenskab og SAMbach.

3. Master of Public Policy, Master i Kulturplanlægning,  samt Master i Socialt Entreprenørskab RUC.

4. PhD-kurser: Metodekombination/research design og urban sociologi  -  Forskerskolen for Velfærdsstat og forskellighed, RUC/AUC . IMT: Action research methodology, Community Energy

Ekstern undervisning:

5. Kurser og forskningsværksteder med CVU-Sjælland, Den Sociale Kandidatuddannelse, Sociologisk Institut KU og Sociologi på Ålborg Universitet, Arkitekskolen Århus og København, Den sociale Højskole, København, Områdefornyelsen Nørrebro og Sydhavnen, Dansk Socialrådgiverforening, Kgs Enghave Lokaludvalg, Intergartions og Erhvervsministeriet.

6. Foredrag og workshops om kommunal planlægning, Lynetteholmen, helhedsplaner i den almene boligsektor, social polarisering i byen, empowerment, participatorisk planlægning og social- og beskæftigelsespolitik i udsatte byområder  - blandt andet i forbindelse med SLIB projektet (Segregering, Lokal Integration og Beskæftigelse)

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 1 - No Poverty
  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
  • SDG 13 - Climate Action


  • Labour market
  • employment policy
  • Traffic, Transportation
  • Public administration
  • Physical planning, Urban studies
  • ghettoization
  • Gender studies, Ethnicity, Equal rights
  • Economics, Politics
  • Employment policy
  • Housing policy

Publication network

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