• Universitetsvej 1, 40.2

    DK-4000 Roskilde


Personal profile


Jørgen Lerche Nielsen is Associate Professor of ICT and Learning at Roskilde University. He is doing research in designing networked problem-based learning processes, on learning processes in communities of practice, blended learning, collaborative learning, students’ activities in group work, and the roles of the professor as supervisor for study groups in their learning processes, and change processes within higher education.

For more than 10 years he has been part of the web based cross-institutional Master’s program in ICT & Learning, a collaboration among four Universities in Denmark. He is teaching at Communication at the Department of Communication, Busines and Information technologies.

He has taken part in a EU Minerva supported project CLIENT – Collaborative learning in an International Environment, a collaboration between Roskilde University, Denmark, Salford University, UK, Maastricht, The Netherlands, and Tromsø, Norway.

His recent publications include book chapters in Exploring the Theory, Pedagogy and Practice of Networked Learning (Springer, 2012), in Increasing Student Engagement and Retention using Mobile Applications: Smartphones, Skype and Texting Technologies (Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2013), in Situated Design Methods (MIT Press, 2014), in Democratizing Higher Education: International Comparative Perspectives (Routledge to be published 2015), and an article in the new peer-reviewed online Journal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education (2013, vol. 1, no. 1).


Education/Academic qualification

Cand. Mag Samfundsfag og Historie, University of Copenhagen

1 Sept 196930 Jun 1975

Award Date: 30 Jun 1975


  • Education, Learning, Training
  • ICT and learning
  • CSCL - Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
  • Project work - methods and didactics