Juan Carlos Finck Carrales

Urban and Transport Planner, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.d.

  • Universitetsvej 1, 02

    DK-4000 Roskilde


Personal profile


Juan Carlos Finck Carrales holds a Ph.d. degree from the Program of Society, Space and Technology from Roskilde University of Denmark; a Master’s degree in Urban Development Projects from the Universidad Iberoamericana of Mexico City; and a Bachelor’s degree in Policy and Social Management from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana of Mexico. His transdisciplinary research profile intersects the fields of Public Policy, Mobility, Urban and Transport Planning, and Decolonial Studies. He is an External Lecturer at the International Bachelor in Social Sciences, the Bachelor in Global Humanities, and the Master of Nordic Urban Planning Studies (NUPS), and used to be the Coordinator of the Language Profile Program of Roskilde University (2020-2024). He is also a Professional Consultant on Green Mobility, Urban Planning, and Social Communication in Copenhagen.

He is currently the Research Leader of the project titled 'Analyzing Cycling and Alternative Transportation Behavior in Copenhagen through a Nordic Sustainable Model' at DIS Study Abroad in Scandinavia, which started in 2025 and aims to explore sustainable transportation and urban planning within Copenhagen’s environmental sustainability transition. Through the application of mobilities and urban planning theories, alongside interview and ethnographic methods, this longitudinal research aims to gain qualitative insights through an interpretative and reflexive approach.

Juan C. Finck used to work for nearly five years (2011-2015) as a Social Communication Manager in the private sector for Mexican governmental institutions and political parties. Furthermore, he was General Secretary of the Mexican NGO ActúaDF for two years (2014-2015), which has implemented projects related to social inclusion and justice in peripheral underserved neighborhoods of Mexico City. He has participated in urban planning and transport design projects in Mexico City, whose diagnoses and conclusions have been reproduced in different media and in the policymaking of the city.



–Sustainable Transport Planning

–Green Mobility

–Informal/Alternative Transportation

–Urban Planning

–Decolonial studies (transmodernity)

–Reflexive and abductive methodologies (interpretative approach)

–Participatory and ethnographic focuses

–Interviews, fieldwork (photography and recorded videos), participatory workshops (consensus conferences), counting and tracing, statistics and survey



Transdisciplinary Thinking from the Global South. Whose Problems, whose solutions? // Introduction, Development, Transmodernity, Water in the Himalayas | Roskilde University, Denmark | SIB – SAB – Humbach – Global Humanities (Spring/2019, Spring/2020, Spring/2023, Spring/2025)

Sociology // French Sociology, Max Weber's Theory, Postcolonial and Decolonial Theory, Global Stratification | Roskilde University, Denmark | International Social Science Bachelor's degree program (Fall/2019, Fall/2020, Fall/2021)

Spanish Language Profile | Roskilde University, Denmark | Fall/2018, Spring/2019, Fall/2019, Spring/2020, Fall/2020, Spring/2021, Fall/2021, Spring/2022, Fall/2022, Spring/2023, Fall/2023) 

Analytical Strategies, Applied Approaches | Roskilde University, Denmark | International Social Science Bachelor's degree program (Spring/2018)


Philosophy of Science | Roskilde University, Denmark | International Social Science Bachelor's degree program (Fall/2024)

Study techniques | Roskilde University, Denmark | International Social Science Bachelor's degree program (Fall/2022)

Project group work | Roskilde University, Denmark | International Social Science Bachelor's degree program (Fall/2022)

Feedback forms | Roskilde University, Denmark | International Social Science Bachelor's degree program (Fall/2022) 

Reading and understanding quantitative methods | Roskilde University, Denmark | International Social Science Bachelor's degree program (Fall/2019)

Choosing and applying theories | Roskilde University, Denmark | International Social Science Bachelor's degree program (Fall/2020)

Collecting data and applying methods | Roskilde University, Denmark | International Social Science Bachelor's degree program (Fall/2020)


The Language Profile Program | Roskilde University, Denmark | Sambach, Humbach, Humtek (Spring/2020, Fall/2020, Spring/2021, Fall/2021, Spring/2022, Fall/2022, Spring/2023, Fall/2023, Spring/2024, Fall/2024)


Transdisciplinary Thinking from the Global South. Whose Problems, whose solutions? | Roskilde University, Denmark | SIB – SAB – Humbach – Global Humanities (Spring/2023, Spring/2025) 

Spanish Language Profile | Roskilde University, Denmark | SIB – SAB – Humbach – Global Humanities (Fall/2018, Spring/2019, Fall/2019, Spring/2020, Fall/2020, Spring/2021, Fall/2021, Spring/2022, Fall/2022, Spring/2023, Fall/2023)

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 4 - Quality Education
  • SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
  • SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • SDG 13 - Climate Action

External positions

Research leader and mentor of the project: Analyzing Cycling and Alternative Transportation Behavior in Copenhagen through a Nordic Sustainable Model, DIS Study abroad in Scandinavia

Jan 2025 → …

External Lecturer in Transportation in Urban Europe, DIS Study abroad in Scandinavia

Aug 2023 → …

Instructor and Responsible for the course called Sustainable City Planning in Copenhagen, Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE)


Instructor and Responsible for the Statistics course (Copenhagen), Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE)


External Evaluator and Censor of master thesis in Metropolitan Planning and Policies (Mexico), Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Unidad Azcapotzalco

Sept 2021May 2022


  • Physical planning, Urban studies
  • Mobilities
  • Alternative/Informal Transportation
  • Urban Studies
  • Social justice
  • Megacities
  • Global Cities
  • Industrial development, Development economics and planning, Developing countries
  • Decolonial Studies
  • Transmodernity
  • Transdisciplinary research
  • Development
  • Green transitions

Publication network

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