Lars Hulgård
  • Universitetsvej 1, 03.1-NE

    DK-4000 Roskilde


Personal profile


Lars Hulgård (born 29.04.58) is full professor at Roskilde University, Denmark and permanent visiting professor at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India since 2011. In addition to this between 2015 and 2017 he was full professor of social innovation and social entrepreneurship at University of Southeast Norway to assist in establishing a research platform on social economy and social innovation. He received his PhD in 1995 in Public Administration from Roskilde University with a thesis on social innovation in social policy and social work. 2018-2019 he has been appointed professor of social innovation at Faculty of Economics at Coimbra University in Portugal. 
At Roskilde University he serves four main functions:

  1. Co-founder of EMES European Research Network (President 2010-2016),
  2. Co-founder of and professor at the MA in Social Science in Social Entrepreneurship and Management,
  3. Founder and co-director, Centre for Social Entrepreneurship,
  4. Research, teaching and consultancy in innovation, solidarity economy, social innovation, social policy, social economy, social entrepreneurship, public service, social enterprise, civil society, capacity building and transformation of the welfare state.

In 1998 Professor Hulgård was co-founder of the EMES International Research Network, a collaboration of many international research institutions within the field of social and solidarity economy as well as social innovation. During the leadership of Professor Hulgård EMES opened up to new members globally. EMES organizes bi-annual international doctoral summer schools (Corsica, 2008, Roskilde, 2010, Trento, 2012, Timisoara, 2014, Glasgow 2016, Marseilles, 2018) and bi-annual international conferences (Barcelona, 2008, Trento, 2009, Roskilde, 2011, Liege, 2013, Helsinki, 2015, Nouveau Louvains, 2017, Sheffield 2019).
EMES has been involved in research projects funded by the European Union since its foundation. Furthermore, EMES assist national governments and organizations like OECD and UNDP with research based consultancy on the social and solidarity economy. EMES books, including contributions from Professor Hulgård, are published in nine languages including Chinese, English, French, Korean, Spanish and Japanese. EMES collaborates with scientific networks in South East Asia and South America.
Professor Hulgård has been the PhD supervisor of 8 PhD students at Roskilde University, 1 at University of Southeast Norway and 1 as co-supervisor at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. He has served as external examiner of numerous PhD students in England, France, Australia, Scotland, Sweden, Italy, South Pacific, and Denmark. He has served on review committees for full professorships in the UK, Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

2006-07 Leadership and management of education and research, University of Southern Denmark
1995 Ph.D. in Public Administration, Roskilde University, Denmark
1989 MA, Sociology, Copenhagen University, Denmark

2018-19 Professor, Faculty of Economics, Coimbra University, Portugal
2015-17 Professor II, University of Southeast Norway
2011-14 Study director, MA in Social Sciences in Social Entrepreneurship and Management, Roskilde University
2011- Permanent visiting professor, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (Mumbai, India)
2010 - 16 President, EMES European Research Network
2008 - 12 Co-director, RUCinnovation (Roskilde University’s platform for innovation and collaboration, referring to Vice Chancellor)
2007 - Full professor, Department of Psychology and Educational Studies (from 2016: Dept. of People and Technology), Roskilde University
2007 - 16 Chair of the research group Social Innovation and Organizational Learning, Roskilde University
2006 - 08 Head of Department, Department of Psychology and Educational Studies, Roskilde University
2006 - Founding director of Centre for Social entrepreneurship, Roskilde University
2006 - External examiner, Århus University
1997 - 07 Associate professor in social science and evaluation research, Department of Social Science, Roskilde University
1994 – 98 External consultant for the Ministry of Social Affairs
1990 – 97 Ph.D.-student and assistant professor, Department of Social Science, Roskilde University.
1990 - 92 Research consultant, the Ministry of Social Affairs, Denmark

HEAD OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (examples, more than 150.000 €)
Big projects
2017 -21 Danish partner in the COST Action project: Empowering the next generation of social enterprise scholars
2017-19 Danish partner in the Mapping of Social Enterprise in Europe project (funded by the EU-Commission). Leader of the Nordic researchers involved in the project
2016 – 20 Danish partner in the Erasmus + project Common Good Consortium
2016 – 19 Danish partner in the RURACTION project, Horizon 2020
2015 - 18 Danish partner in the SOLIDUS project, Horizon 2020
2011 – 14 Research grant from the Danish Parliament to Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, 9 mio DKK
2011 International coordinator of a medium-scale collaborative research project submitted to EU-FP7. Total score: 13 out of 15. Proposal came in second and the project was not funded
2008 –11 Chair of RUCinnovation (with professor Jon Sundbo and head of office Inger Rossing Jensen). Roskilde University’s platform for innovation
2006 - 11 Founder of and professor at Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, Roskilde University, funded by the Danish Parliament with 11 mio DKK
2004 - 06 Founder, applicant and international coordinator, CINEFOGO-Network of Excellence funded by EU, FP6 with 4 mio. Euro

Small and medium sized projects (40.000 - 110.000 €)
2015- 16 Grant from VIA University College: Training of lecturers in social entrepreneurship
2012- 14 Grant from The Ministry of Science and Education to develop institutional links between Roskilde University and Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai
2011 Grant from Young Enterprise to introduce entrepreneurial principles in university education
2010 Grant from the Vice Chancellor at Roskilde University to facilitate the development of research on social innovation
2010 Grant from the Danish Research Council for the Social Sciences to prepare the application to EU-FP7 on social innovation
2010 Grant from Region Sjælland for research and development in the area of Work Integration Social Enterprises.
2010 Grant from DOF (Det Obelske Familiefond) to support EMES European Research Network
2009 Grant from Region Sjælland for the GEM Project (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) 2009
2008 Grant from Rådet for Socialt Udsatte: Mapping Social Entrepreneurship for Socially Excluded Persons
2003 Grant from the Danish Research Council for the Social Sciences (to prepare the application to EU-FP6 that resulted in the funding of CINEFOGO
2001 - 04 ”Danish Contractor”, The PERSE-program, ”Socio-economic performance of work integration social enterprises”. Comparative research project between researchers from 11 European countries. Funded by FP5

2018 Keynote at International Seminar on Social Innovation and Public Policy, hosted by the Presidency of the Republic of Brazil and the National Secretariat of Social Articulation. Brasilia, 07.-09.03, 2018
2017 Keynote at the National Social Innovation Summit in Sweden, Malmö University, Sweden, 27.11.2017
2017 Keynote at 3rd Critical Edge Alliance International Conference on Higher Education for the 21st Century: Innovations in University-Society Partnerships, TATA Institute, Mumbai, 19.-23.09.2017
2017 Keynote at First European Summer School on Solidarity Economy: Is it possible to foster a common agenda for Solidarity Economy in Europe? The doctoral summer school is organized by Centre for Social Studies, CES, University of Coimbra. 08.09.2017
2016 Keynote at the opening of SESAM, Centre for Social Entrepreneurship and Collaborative Social Innovation at University of South East Norway, Oslo, 10.11.2016
.2016 Keynote on “Approaches to Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation – putting people or markets at the centre?” at Congresso Internacional de Intervenção Social Intervenção Social e Empreendedorismo Inovação e Empreendedorismo Coimbra University, Portugal, 23.09.2016
2015 Public lecture on “Social enterprise – putting people at the centre” at TATA Institute, Mumbai, 04.12.2015
2015 Lecture on Social entrepreneurship and social innovation at annual day of inspiration for all faculty and staff at Telemark University College, 21.10.2015
2015 Special lecture/Festforelæsning on “Social entrepreneurship - a story of unique combinations” at RUCs Annual Celebration, 18.09.2015:
2015 Lecture on ”Social innovation” for “Innovasjonsskolen” / Rolf Rønning, Lillehammer University College, 04.09.2015
2015 Lecture on ”Social enterprise – a personal journey around Europe”, Glasgow Caledonian University, 26.08.2015
2014 TEDx talk on “Combining the social and the enterprise – a unique journey”, Copenhagen, 11.12.2014:
2014 Social entrepreneurship in an international perspective, Telemark University College, 06.11.2014
2014 Social entrepreneurship in an international perspective, Telemark University College, 06.11.2014
2014 Helsinki, Finland: Social Enterprise Innovation in Services and Creating Ecosystems of Support, arranged by Social Business International (02.04.2014)
2014 Danube, Romania: First international management conference in Danube Delta, “Challenges, performances and tendencies in the organization management” (22.06.2014)
2013 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: International Social Business Summit, arranged by Glasgow Caledonian University (06.11.2013)
2013 Timisoara, Romania: ”Challenges and Innovation in Management and Leadership”, arranged by University of Timisoara (11.10.2013)
2013 Lillehammer, Norway: Seminar about social innovation and social entrepreneur, arranged by Lillehammer University College
2013 Liege, Belgium: Fourth EMES International Conference, arranged by University of Liege and EMES European Research Network

2017 Founding member of the board of directors Social Economy Foundation Roskilde
2015 - 16 Research Adviser to Realdania (a leading Danish foundation on catalytic philanthropy) project on “Boligliv i Balance”, a model project for creating a model for governance and social cohesion in socially marginalized residential areas
2014 - Member of the National Council on Social Enterprise, appointed by the Minister of Social Affairs in Denmark
2013 - 14 Member of working group under Nordic Council of Ministers, “Kartlegging av innsatser for å legge til rette for sosialt entreprenørskap og social innovasjon I Norden”
2013 Member of the government committee on defining a legal framework for social enterprises in Denmark (Appointed by the Minister of Growth and Industry)
2012 Recipient of “Danske Bank Prisen” (The Danish Bank Prize) at Roskilde University’s 40th anniversary, September 22nd, 2012
2010 Honorary stay for two months in apartment in Manhattan, New York, owned by Bikuben Foundation reserved for artists and scientists
2010 Member, Advisory committee for the Annual Social Prize of the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess
2010 Prime Mover, speaker and head of European delegation to The International Symposium on Social Enterprise, China-Europa Forum, at Hong Kong Polythenic University, July 8 to July 14, 2010
2010 Speech about “Social Economy and Social Enterprise” in The European Parliament with Members of the European Parliament and Vice President of the European Commission Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship and Michel Barnier, Commissioner for Internal Market and Services (Oct. 13.)
2009 Speech, “Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation” for Her Royal Highness, Crown Prinsess Mary and the board of governors of the Mary Foundation, The Royal Castle, 16. September

2018 Chairing committee of promotion to full professor at Roskilde University, Denmark
2018 Committee member of promotion to full professor at Aalborg University, Denmark
2018 Reviewer for the National Research Council in Norway, May-June, 2018
2017 Peer Reviewer for the EU-Commission on the project “Peer Review on Social Entrepreneurship to tackle unmet social challenges”, Oslo, 12.-13. 2017
2017 - co-supervisor of PhD student Pradeep P.N. at TISS, Mumbai on the project “Exploring Social Entrepreneurship in Kerala as an avenue of Social Work”
2017 External examiner of PhD student Burieta Tofinga at University of the South Pacific on “Market-based hybridity and consolidated framework for social entrepreneurship”
2015 External examiner at viva of PhD candidate, Michael Roy, Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland
2015 Editor of the series, Routledge Studies in Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation. Co-editors: Rocío Nogales and Jacques Defourny
2014 Reviewer for promotion to full professor, appointed by Glasgow Caledonian University
2013 Co-editor: Social Enterprise and the Third Sector – Changing European Landscapes (Jacques Defourny, Lars Hulgård and Victor Pestoff, eds.). New York: Routledge
2013 Reviewer appointed by University of Luxembourg to review the project proposal ECOSOL-SOCBUS: Exploring the empirical reality of solidarity economy and social business
2013 External Reviewer on behalf of the Lecturer Promotions & Establishment Board, University College Cork, Ireland for promotion to the grade of Senior Lecturer
2013 Chair of review committee at Roskilde University for promotion to full professor
2012 Evaluator of FP7-SSH-2012-2 / FP7-SSH-2012-1, appointed by the European Commission as an independent expert to evaluate research projects submitted to the FP7
2012 Reviewer of proposal for new MA program in Livelihoods and Social Innovation, appointed by the director of Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai
2012 Evaluator of FP7-CDRP-2013-INCUBATOR “Support of transnational networks of incubators for social innovation”, appointed by the European Commission as an independent expert
2011 Referee for the Academic Staff Promotions Committee, Open University, for promotion to full Professor
2010 - Reviewer for journals and publishers, including Routledge, Voluntas and Frydenlund

Articles and reports
2018 Channeling solidarity: inputs from third sector, social innovation and co-creation of public goods (with Jennifer Eschweiler). Final report from the SOLIDUS project wp5 (Solidarity in European Societies: Empowerment, Social Justice and Citizenship).
2016 “Participatory Governance in Social Enterprise” (with Victor Pestoff) in Voluntas, International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofits Organizations, Volume 27, Issue 4, August 2016:
2016 “Social Entrepreneurship: demolition of the Welfare State or an Arena for Solidarity?” (with Linda Lundgaard Andersen) in Social entrepreneurship and Social Enterprises. Nordic Perspectives (Andersen, L.L., Gawell, M. & Spear, R. eds.) New York: Routledge
2015 “Institutionalization of People Centred Social Innovation in Kudumbashree, Kerala, India” (with P.K. Shajahan) Paper presented at the 5th EMES International Conference on Social Enterprise, Helsinki June 30th – July 3rd, 2015. Accepted for publication in Social Enterprise and People Centred Social Innovation (Banerjee, S. & Carney S. eds.) Routledge Studies in Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation, vol 2., 2016
2015 “Sosialt entreprenørskap og social innovasjon” sammen med Linda Lundgaard Andersen in Sosialt entreprenørskap og social innovasjon – Kartlegging av innsatser for sosialt entreprenørskap og social innovasjon i Norden (ed. Aase Lunde). København: Nordisk Ministerråd
2015 “Differing perspectives on civil society and the state” in Civil Society, The Third Sector and Social Enterprise – Governance and Democracy (Jean Louis-Laville, Dennis Young & Philippe Eynaud, eds.) New York: Routledge
2014 “Participatory Governance in Social Enterprise” with Victor Pestoff, paper presented at the ARNOVA Conference, Denver Colorado, 19-23 November, 2014
2014 “Social enterprise and the third sector – innovative service delivery or a non-capitalist economy?” in Social Enterprise and the Third Sector – Changing European Landscapes in a Comparative Perspective (Jacques Defourny, Lars Hulgård and Victor Pestoff, eds.). New York: Routledge
2014 “Introduction” (with Jacques Defourny and Victor Pestoff) in Social Enterprise and the Third Sector – Changing European Landscapes in a Comparative Perspective (Jacques Defourny, Lars Hulgård and Victor Pestoff, eds.). New York: Routledge
2014 “El futura de la Socialdemocrazia”, in Reinventar la izguierda en el siglo XXI (Coraggio, J.L. and Laville, J.-L., eds.). Buenos Aires: Clasco
2013 “Social Entrepreneurship and the Mobilization of Social Capital in European Social Enterprises” with Roger Spear, in Social Entrepreneurship (Kickul, J., Gras, D., Bacq, S. & Griffiths, M. eds.) Cehltenham: Edward Elgar
2013 “Social Innovation: A new stage in innovation process analysis? (Frank Moulaert, Bob
Jessop, Lars Hulgård and Abdel Hamdouch) in (Moulaert, MacCallum, Mehmood,
Hamdouch, eds.) Handbook on Social innovation: Collective action, Social learning and
Transdisciplinary research. Edward Elgar
2013 “Social Innovation for People-Centred Development (with P.K. Shajahan) in (Moulaert,
MacCallum, Mehmood, Hamdouch, eds.) Handbook on Social innovation: Collective action, Social learning and Transdisciplinary research. Edward Elgar
2013 ”Social entrepreneurship and the Mobilization of Social Capital in European Social Enterprises”, in Social Entrepreneurship (Kickul, J., Gras, D., Bacq, S. and Griffiths, M, eds.). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
2012 “Social entreprenørskab – velfærdsarenaer eller afvikling af solidaritet?” (med Linda Lundgaard Andersen), in Dansk Sociologi, Dansk Sociologi, nr. 4, årgang 23, december 2012
2012 “Social Innovation and Delierative Democracy” with Jennifer Eschweiler, EMES Working Papers, no. 12/04
2011 “Social economy and social enterprise: an emerging alternative to mainstream market economy?”. In China Journal of Social Work. Vol. 4, No 3, November 2011. Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Peking University: Routledge
2010 “Public and social entrepreneurship” in The Human Economy (Hart, Laville and Cattani
eds.). London: Polity Press
2010 “Inovação social: rumo a uma mudança experimental na política pública?” With Adriane
Vieira Ferrarini. In Ciências Sociais Unisinos 46(3):256-263, setembro/dezembro 2010 ©
2010 by Unisinos - doi: 10.4013/csu.2010.46.3.05

2018 People Centred Social Innovation: Global perspectives on an emerging paradigm (Swati Banerjee, Stephen Carney & Lars Hulgård, eds.) New York: Routledge (forthcoming 2018).
2018 68 km til Fortuna – solidaritet og cykling I Spanien. København: Forlaget Udenfor. (68 km to Fortuna – solidarity and cycling in Spain). Copenhagen: Forlaget Udenfor (non academic)
2015 Social entrepreneurship and social innovation. Initiatives to promote social entrepreneurship and social innovation in the Nordic countries. TemaNord 2015: 562: The report is written by 10 nationally apointed representatives from the five Nordic countries. I was the main author of chapter 3: “Social entrepreneurship and social innovation”
2014 Social Enterprise and the Third Sector – Changing European Landscapes (Jacques Defourny, Lars Hulgård and Victor Pestoff, eds.). Oxon & New York: Routledge
2010 Kulturelt og socialt entreprenørskab (Cultural and Social Entrepreneurship) (with Linda Lundgaard Andersen og Torben Bager, eds.). Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag
2007 Sociale entreprenører – en kritisk indføring. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag.


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