Birgitte Poulsen

Birgitte Poulsen

MSc (Public Administration) & PhD

  • Universitetsvej 1, 21.2

    DK-4000 Roskilde


Personal profile


I am associate professor, at the Department of Society and Business, Roskilde University. My research covers public administration and public management with a particular emphasis on the relationship between ministers and civil servants. Currently, I investigate how the logic of medialization penetrates Danish central government and affects the role of the civil service in their everyday activities.  Theoretically, I am interested in institutional theory and role theory with a specific focus on the development, and importance, of organizational cultures and dilemmas. Recently, theories on medialization is included in the study of political, administrative organizations. My work also covers conflict resolution strategies in public sector organizations both at state level and in municipalities. I work with various qualitative methods, however with a particular emphasis on interview research.


I am team coordinator at our bachelor programme and responsible for courses at both bachelor level and master’s level. I teach public administration theory, management in political administrative organizations, democracy analysis, conflict resolution and qualitative interview as method.


  • Public administration
  • Management, Organization, Business economy and administration, Management and organization of industry, trade, and communication