Personal profile


I am interested in the dynamics of organizing and leadership practices. My recent research falls mainly at the intersection of organization and leadership theory exploring how organizational life works and unfolds. Currently most of my empirical work takes place in Greenland, studying how leadership is practiced.

Theoretically I am inspired by symbolic interactionism and pragmatism, e.g. Mead and Blumer – and I have particular interest in Weick, Hernes, Stacey, Alvesson

I am inspired by various ethnographic methods, which insist on getting close to where interesting, and relevant activities unfolds in the organizational context.


Jeg er optaget af, at udvikle og integrere problemorienteret projektarbejde i uddannelserne – og udvikle relationen mellem universitet og det omkringliggende samfund. Igennem det problemorienterede projektarbejde udvikles problemstillinger der kan producere relevant viden, der er brug for.

External positions

University of Greenland



  • Management, Organization, Business economy and administration, Management and organization of industry, trade, and communication

Publication network

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