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    Universitetsvej 1

    4000 Roskilde


Organisation profile

Organisation profile

In the wake of the past decade’s economic crisis, the impact of neo-liberal forms of government, and the flow of immigrants and refugees the classic questions of social change and social dynamics have re-emerged as key issues on the academic, political and institutional agendas in Europe, calling for a revitalisation of the problems of social justice, redistribution, recognition, inclusion and stigmatisation, and of critical engagement and forms of democratic action and participation.


These social and academic challenges form the backdrop of the work of the research group Social Dynamics and Change (SODYC). Our research centres around three key issues:

  1. Research on the social dynamics and conditions of social justice, including studies of the dynamics of inequality, redistribution, polarisation, marginalisation, stigmatisation and risk, combined with investigations of diversity, participation and social cohesion.
  2. Research on social dynamics and processes of social change in relation to social struggles and dilemmas of power, classification, positioning and identity within different social groups, and alongside investigations of new forms of social innovation, inclusion and activism.
  3. Research on the social dynamics and processes of change and reproduction of social institutions, involving knowledge of how social institutions such as family, childhood and youth, and citizenship are developed and challenged in the interaction with societal institutions such as the state, the social welfare institutions, voluntary organisations, and the labour market.

The issues are in practice intertwined. They are examined at multiple levels, and from different perspectives. The research, furthermore, combines theoretical work and thorough empirical analyses.


SODYC is an interdisciplinary group, with an inclination towards social studies and sociology. Its’ members includes researches from the fields of sociology, social studies, public and social administration, and anthropology. The research group has a strong methodological profile, including a wide variety of qualitative and quantitative research methods and mixed-methods, e.g. ethnographic fieldwork, observations studies, qualitative interviews and different modes of participatory research, in combination with advanced multivariate statistical methods including multi-level analysis, cluster analysis and geometric data analysis. Research methods and methodology is also subject to research by more members.


Research themes and empirical windows

  • Civil society and social cohesion
  • Citizenship and identity
  • Activism and radicalisation
  • Social risk
  • Reorganisation of the welfare state 
  • Frontline organisations and social innovation
  • Youth, childhood and ethnicity
  • Work, family and gender relations
  • Precarious and marginalised social groups
  • Urbanity, cities and territorial governance
  • Labour and the labour market
  • Science, Knowledge and the production of knowledge


Existing and past research competence

The research ofSocial Dynamics and Change builds on established research at the Department of Social Sciences and Business.

Past and present, it has strong ties to the CINEFOGO Network of Excellence; the ESPA-network; the Centre for International Studies in Citizenship, Democratic Participation, and Civil Society (CIPACI); The International Sociology Association, ISA; The European Sociological Association (ESA); FORSA, The Nordic Associations of Research in Social Work; and The Global Dynamics research priority initiative at Roskilde University.

SODYC contributes to the work of the department’s Doctoral School, and the Graduate and postgraduate degrees in Social Studies, Social Intervention Studies and Politics and Administration.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. Our work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 1 - No Poverty
  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 4 - Quality Education
  • SDG 5 - Gender Equality
  • SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
  • SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • SDG 13 - Climate Action
  • SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Publication network

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