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Investigating the role of neurotransmitters in pancreatic development and islet cell function by simultaneous and continuous high-sensitivity neurotransmitter sensing and 4D bioimaging
Agerskov, R. (Project participant), Nyeng, P. (Supervisor), Lund, T. (Co-supervisor), Alatraktchi, F. A. (Co-supervisor) & Dalgaard, L. T. (Co-supervisor)
15/02/2024 → 14/02/2027
Project: Research
PandemiX: Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Pandemic Signatures - PandemiX
Simonsen, L. (Project manager), Ingholt, M. M. (Project participant), Pedersen, R. K. (Project participant), Andreasen, V. (Project participant), Wijhe, M. V. (Project participant), Eilersen, A. T. (Project participant), Poder, S. K. (Project participant), Nielsen, B. F. (Project participant), Krogfelt, K. A. (Project participant), Ørskov, S. (Project participant), Berrig, C. (Project participant), Thorn, A. V. (Project participant), Qvesel, A. G. (Project participant), Sneppen, K. (Project participant), Pedersen, A. G. (Project participant), Fischer, T. K. (Project participant), Harboe, Z. B. (Project participant), Roed, C. (Project participant), Holler, J. G. (Project participant), Viboud, C. (Project participant), Lipsitch, M. (Project participant), Davenport, R. (Project participant) & Pedersen, C. W. (Project participant)
01/06/2023 → 31/05/2029
Project: Research
Identification and characterization of microRNA species expressed in pancreas and islets of Langerhans
Dalgaard, L. T. (Project participant)
11/08/2010 → …
Project: Research
Investigation of the cellular mechanisms involved in or underlying development of glucotoxicity and lipotoxicity in pancreatic islets of Langerhans
Dalgaard, L. T. (Project participant)
11/08/2010 → …
Project: Research